Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 24-30

What does it mean to be powerful? 

This question comes with a lot of baggage and very few diverse blueprints. We tend to see power as absolute, unwavering, and rigid. You either have it or you don't, especially if it's being wielded in a social setting. It's fierce, commandeering, and fiery. 

Soprafino Tarot Weekly Forecast Reading

What does it mean to be powerful? 

This question comes with a lot of baggage and very few diverse blueprints. We tend to see power as absolute, unwavering, and rigid. You either have it or you don't, especially if it's being wielded in a social setting. It's fierce, commandeering, and fiery. 

Doesn't it sound like we're describing The Emperor? 

And, indeed, we have this actual powerhouse of a card in our final position. A potent image, to be sure, The Emperor is so imposing and confident that his message comes through loud and clear to those unfamiliar with tarot. We see authority, expertise, confidence, competition, and fortitude. Interestingly, in our power-obsessed culture, this card brings forth a lot of resistance. We often want to rebel when we see The Emperor, to seek freedom and individuality instead of all that structure.

The language of tarot, however, is multilayered and illuminating. We build up meaning around the cards from personal associations and experiences, both personal and cultural, and the cards carry that with them. If we work to scrape some of his off, however, we can reach different levels and see ideas, orientations, and approaches. It's a healing journey that introduces nuance and meaning to the harder aspects of life. This week we'll be working with The Emperor, directing his force and determination in more personally authentic ways.

So back to the cards at hand. Both the King of Cups and The Emperor - representations of power and authority - surround our central card, the difficult and upsetting Five of Swords. This week has the potential for conflict and misunderstanding. There's mischief afoot, especially when it comes to communication. Lies, manipulations, and gossip are some ways that this card shows us how thoughts and words can disrupt a situation. Reacting mindlessly to the wrongdoing only increases the hurt and confusion.

This is clearly a time that calls for power, authority, and confidence.

Many people shirk from these ideas because they seem so harsh and commandeering, much like our first impression of The Emperor. Fascinatingly, we have a much different representation of power leading us into the week: The King of Cups. Instead of a parched desert, this character lives in a dynamic ocean. A fish jumps out of the undulating waves on his right while the red sails of a ship peek out from the left side of his throne. 

The King of Cups is telling us that we're already operating from a position of power. It just doesn't look like what we've been trained to associate with authority and strength. The King of Cups thrives off of connection, community, and emotion. Instead of distancing himself from others and wielding power over them, he's in the middle of life's complexities. He feels and connects and emotes. He's there. 

This week is calling on us to reassess our personal power. Maybe we've been striving to look like The Emperor, thinking we need rules and absolute respect and a certain harshness that doesn't quite line-up with our personalities. And, in true Emperor fashion, anything less is an absolute failure. 

But look at us right now. We're engaged in life, connected to people, and doing the hard work of processing our emotions. This kind of presence speaks volumes, and though it doesn't have the imperious gravitas of power with a capital P, it's often far more effective. 

Which brings us back to The Emperor. Underneath all that armor is a pioneering spirit. What did it take to build that throne in his harsh desert landscape, with just a tiny river struggling through the sand behind his throne? The Emperor had to make things work in a less-than hospitable place. And he succeeded wildly. His accomplishment lies beneath the King of Cups. It's just that our world right now is flowing with beautiful water - friendships, alliances, love, and emotion.

Thanks to the hard work of The Emperor we've claimed our power, built something strong, and allowed an ocean to grow. We've softened our edges, but we also remain connected to this difficult and rewarding past. We have that solidity beneath our feet that allows us to sidestep the needless drama of the Five of Swords.

Water flows and steel clashes. Thanks to our hard work and newer, lusher surroundings, we no longer have to flatten or opponents or rise to every challenge. We can simply see what's happening and move around it, seeking out meaningful connections and rewarding work.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 17-23

What happens when we rest? We don't often celebrate the importance and complexity of this practice. There's a sort of "nap alchemy" that transpires when we take the time to simply be. Yet we often skip over it, focusing on actions we can quantify instead.

Soprafino Tarot Weekly Forecast Reading

What happens when we rest? We don't often celebrate the importance and complexity of this practice. There's a sort of "nap alchemy" that transpires when we take the time to simply be. Yet we often skip over it, focusing on actions we can quantify instead.

Doing things often leads to tangible, braggable results. We've been productive, active, and we have something to prove for it! Not to mention that productivity is one of the primary ways we show our worth. Unfortunately, when we worship productivity we have the tendency to see rest as laziness.

The Four of Swords is here to shatter that unfortunate assumption. Here we see one of the healthiest manifestations of the swords suit. Three swords hang on display, clearly visible and safely arrayed. Another lies peacefully below. There's no cutting going on here, no interpersonal conflict. In fact, it's just us, the solitary character resting in a quiet gray room. 

This card shows us coming into the week with a strong desire to simply recharge and process things. The swords suit forces us to examine when our thoughts work for us, harmoniously informing our decisions, and when they become destructive, filling our lives with stress and pressure. We're being invited to hang our worries up and take a breather, to rest and trust that what seems murky now will become clear as we give ourselves the chance to recharge and care for ourselves. 

The Four of Swords also tells us that our bodies are leading the way. It's a good time to listen to what they tell us. Do we feel tired? It's time to rest. Are our minds racing, overwhelmed by everything that's happening? It's time to set those thoughts aside gently and return to our bodies, breathing deeply and detaching ourselves from the emotional pressure of our minds. And finally, are we feeling prickly and antagonistic towards those around us? It might be time to seek out some solitude.

What's fascinating here is that all the ingredients for an exciting change are active in our lives right now. Like a delicious loaf of bread in the making, we need to rest after all the mixing and kneading. We're forming important and essential connections when we let our minds and bodies recover. It may not be outwardly impressive or easily proven, but it certainly is essential to this next big step.

For while we're seeking out rest an solitude this week we're making room for an important insight. The fourth sword below the resting figure isn't on the wall with the other three. There's something just below the surface that needs to come into focus. No amount of squirming or over-thinking will bring it out. Opening our minds, releasing tension, and saying goodbye to our old strategies allows this deeper information to appear. 

Because this deeper information is something precious, special, and a little tender. It's leading us to The Fool, a card of profound new beginnings. This card shows us walking towards a new path that's as alluring as it is uncertain. Embodying The Fool requires taking a bit of a trust fall with life itself. And finding that path - equally frightening as it is promising  - requires discovering and listening to the inner voice that comes from the core part of yourself: that's the fourth sword. 

In a cheeky bit of tarot humor, we have the Knight of Swords as our final card, showing us that once we've identified The Fool's path  we're being tempted to steamroll over the magic and new beginnings with some swordsy certainty and ambition. This card is warning us that doing so will trample the new seed we've planted. We don't need to rush anything, go on epic crusades with our new-found information, or stifle it with overly-ambitious plans. If we do, we'll quickly find ourselves exhausted and needing more rest to reconnect with our initial spark of inspiration.

Of course, this is a dance we can do often, going back and forth between inspiration and burnout, but we also have another opportunity here. We can ease into The Fool's shoes and choose to leave the Knight of Swords' approach behind. This requires us to trust our intuition, take one step at a time, and open ourselves to the wonder of doing what feels right. 

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Queens

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

Each Queen focuses on their suit and element with an open curiosity. When they appear in readings they denote periods of openness, power, and expressiveness. They're flexible, dynamic, and irresistibly in tune with themselves. As such, they make for inspiring cards that combine competence with awareness of the world around them. 

The Queens ask us to see how we're using our abilities. Are we hiding it from ourselves, shrinking from the spotlight? Being in control doesn't have to mean being closed off, stuck, or harsh. Accepting these cards can lead to great personal satisfaction and public support and acclaim. 

Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The Queen of Wands is perhaps the most overtly charismatic of the group. She's learned to ground the fiery passion of wands in actions and values. She's a vivacious presence in any situation, creative and charming, but also dependable and fiercely independent. 

The Queen of Swords is just, respected, and intellectually formidable. Weilding a powerful understanding of the world and how it works she is an expert at navigating tricky situations, condensing complex issues into simpler truths, and making hard decisions. Always a trusted advisor, this Queen trusts her perceptions and revels in learning about the world around her.

The Queen of Cups is adept at navigating the waters of emotion and connection. She's able to hold space for others while honoring her own experience. Always caring and receptive, she sees the talents in all she encounters and delights in fostering connections and building alliances. A natural healer, this Queen wants to awaken people to their intuition and spirituality. 

And finally, the Queen of Pentacles shows up in the world with magnetic decadence. Deeply connected to the natural world and all its pleasures, she has built an impressive life for herself and knows how to be practical and pragmatic in order to live the life she wants. Valuing coziness and deeper meaning, she uses her resources to aid others and better the world.

What about you? How do the Queens show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these formidable and alluring cards.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 10-16

What does it look like when we take care of ourselves? Lately, it seems like elaborate baths filled with fancy oils and crystals are all the rage. Or maybe a profound meditation practice? A walk outside? Yet sometimes caring for ourselves diverges from the popular and palatable (and photographable) practices du jour. The Star shows us mulling all this over at the beginning of the week, seeking ways to connect to our source that are deeply personal and, relievingly, private. 

Soprafino Tarot Weekly Forecast Reading

What does it look like when we take care of ourselves? Lately, it seems like elaborate baths filled with fancy oils and crystals are all the rage. Or maybe a profound meditation practice? A walk outside? Yet sometimes caring for ourselves diverges from the popular and palatable (and photographable) practices du jour. The Star shows us mulling all this over at the beginning of the week, seeking ways to connect to our source that are deeply personal and, relievingly, private. 

An introspective and rejuvenating card, The Star is inviting us to fall gently into the core of ourselves. Only when we're there can we ask, "What do I truly need right now?" If that's mindfully bathing with your quartz crystals, go for it! If it's more like reading Science-Fiction novels and eating beef jerky or listening to music while staring at the ceiling or drawing autobiographical comics, that's exactly what you should do.The Star invites us to lean into our unique desires and celebrate them, to follow our feelings with the goal of offering ourselves the care and kindness we often reserve for others. 

So what happens when we dive into our inner sanctum and give ourselves space to nurture ourselves? We just feel amazing, right?? The remaining cards for this week tune us into a different, more complex reality. 

Sometimes when we give ourselves space to relax it also makes room for more difficult emotions to emerge. Caring for ourselves means honoring the entirety of our emotional experiences, even those that are difficult and distressing. In our case, this week is all about the Ten of Swords, a spiky, bittersweet, and challenging card, to say the least. It looks like we're settling into an important truth about ourselves that, although beautiful and necessary for our growth, also requires us to shut a door on something in our lives.

The Ten of Swords represents the end of a cycle, the final chapter of the "story of Swords." With this suit we're dealing with the many ins-and-outs of our thoughts: their power to shape the world around us and their ability to reverberate outwards through the ways we communicate them. In the ten, we've reached the end of a difficult journey. It's time to shed some old ideas about ourselves, particularly the one's that have held us back or wounded us. If there's anything helpful about the the Ten of Swords, it's that these issues are obvious and unavoidable. In other words, we know exactly what is causing us pain and exhaustion. 

Why might this be bittersweet? Whether we've inherited these ideas, picked them up from relationships, or absorbed them from the culture around us, we're familiar and attached to them. Maybe we feel like we're abandoning part of our upbringing by saying no to these patterns, betraying an idea that's been so important to us, or walking away from a relationship that has seen us through so much. The Star reminds us to tend to ourselves - to feel our feelings and let them flow through us - while prioritizing what rejuvenates us over what weighs us down. 

Our final card, the Four of Cups, offers an important clue. In addition to feeling attached to these cutting sword thoughts and experiences, we may also be using them as a distraction from our calling. A classic card of ennui and dissatisfaction, the Four of Cups appears in an almost comic position after the Ten of Swords. After all the processing and suffering and over thinking there's... boredom? We may be making things too complicated for ourselves in an effort to avoid getting down to the exciting and vulnerable business of being ourselves.

This is an affirming card because it shows us that we've already grown beyond the Ten of Swords. Once we say our final goodbye we might be surprised to vault into a different state of being. It may be so uncharacteristically pleasant and calm that we feel wary. Hence the Four of Cups. Where we're expecting drama and deep, slogging emotional work we're instead finding peace. And for a second, it feels empty and strange.

The Four of Cups is an important reminder that embodying The Star - filling our cups with what regenerates and sustains us - feels good. And when we're used to feeling "bad," struggling through choices and decisions, we get suspicious when things are easy. This week is a time to replace that thinking, equating deep satisfaction and the magic of natural focus with progress, instead of immense effort and tough going. 

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Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky

Weekend Send-Off: Mysterious Creatures

This week has been a beautiful and strange one over here in Durham. Sometimes the air feels heavy with magic and wonder, and this has definitely been one of those times. Despite being a busy bee, I've been able to squeeze in plenty of time for individual tarot exploration and even came home from the library with a fresh haul of books. 

Below are a few of the things that have brought me joy this week (please share yours in the comments!), concluded with a special tarot draw to inspire our weekends. 

Jellyfish under the sea

This week has been a beautiful and strange one over here in Durham. Sometimes the air feels heavy with magic and wonder, and this has definitely been one of those times. Despite being a busy bee, I've been able to squeeze in plenty of time for individual tarot exploration and even came home from the library with a fresh haul of books. 

Below are a few of the things that have brought me joy this week (please share yours in the comments!), concluded with a special tarot draw to inspire our weekends. 

Tarot Discoveries - Fortune's Wheelhouse Podcast

I love listening to tarot podcasts while I bop around the house and yesterday I put on the first episode of Fortune's Wheelhouse while color coding my closet (yes, I am one of those people.) For those of you looking to dive into the esoteric meanings and correspondences behind the cards, this is the podcast for you! Touching on topics from astrology to Kabbalah to Crowley and much, much more, this podcast is hosted by two very knowledgeable readers and will give you more than enough detail behind the cards and their symbols!

Woo Drama - Pinrose's "Starter Witch Kits"

Oo wee, did people get up in arms over these on Instagram! Sephora announced the forthcoming fragrance kit - complete with a tarot deck, bundle of white sage, and rose quartz crystal - this week and let's just say it was not recieved well. (This article from The Wild Hunt gives a good rundown of the whole fiasco.) Pinrose has since cancelled the release of the kit in response to the backlash. 

Repeat Tarot Card - Judgment

I've been thinking about this card a lot lately. As the penultimate card in the Major Arcana, Judgment depicts pivotal moments, and it seems like many of us have been going through this type of experience. In particular, Judgment speaks to listening to a strong inner message, one that might be unexpected and requires us to commit to a path. Intriguing...

Listening, Reading, Watching

I've gotten back into my personal ritual of waking up before dawn and reading before the sun rises. It's my way of stretching out time and feeling connected to myself. Just this morning I started an irresistible and amazing book on octopuses (yes, that is actually the correct plural form of the word! It derives from Greek, not Latin, in case you were wondering ;) Written by naturalist Sy Montgomery, it's called The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonders of Consciousness.

And now onto our card for the weekend...

Majors 09 The Hermit.jpg

The Magician


Message: Make big plans that inspire you.

Embrace: Creativity, channeling ideas into action

Let Go Of: Ego trips, limiting thoughts

Guidance: Follow the paths that are the most alluring. Flex your artistic muscles and see how much you can do!

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Grounding Techniques for Healers, Intuitives, & Highly Sensitive People

In the early days of my spiritual journey I remember going to an energy healer. I was still quite skeptical about all things woo and had a lot of resistance to the concept. During our first session, as she moved her hands over my body and checked my energetic systems, I remember staring at a wire tree hung with colored glass prisms thinking, "what on earth is going on right now?"

Grounding and Centering for Intuitives, Empaths, and HSPs

In the early days of my spiritual journey I remember going to an energy healer. I was still quite skeptical about all things woo and had a lot of resistance to the concept. During our first session, as she moved her hands over my body and checked my energetic systems, I remember staring at a wire tree hung with colored glass prisms thinking, "what on earth is going on right now?"

At the end of the session, however, she said something that profoundly changed my outlook and stated me on a rewarding exploration into energy work. And it was pretty strange. She said, "You're completely cut off from your legs. It's like they're not even there."

In all my questioning and skepticism I had to admit she had a point. I never thought about my legs. I felt like they were an immobile pedestal upon which my actual self was perched. I was taken aback. "What, those things down there?" I honestly started my concept of myself from the hips upwards. 

This started me off on a journey of reconnecting to my sense of groundedness. As someone who spends a lot of time thinking, I was clearly comfortable living in my head. But this got me into trouble. I was easily swept away by other people's ideas, feelings, and words. It was easy for me to lose myself since I had no connection to earth - my sense of actually, physically, being here.

For those of us who are drawn to all things intellectual, spiritual, and intuitive, grounding is an essential practice to add to our toolkit. It's an excellent form of self-care and, for those who work in healing professions, it's priceless when it comes to maintaining boundaries and doing our best work. 

Below are some of my favorite techniques for grounding that I've used over the years. I highly recommend them for anyone who finds themselves overwhelmed with emotions, energy, and sensory stimuli and wants to connect to their calm center.

My favorite grounding techniques for tarot and beyond:


1. Use Water

Engaging with water is a quick way to return your awareness to your body. In a stressful or stimulating moment, take a deep drink of water and notice how it feels running down your throat. Imagine it slowly percolating all the way down to your toes, cleansing you and returning you to the present. I like to keep a glass of water next to me during all my sessions so I can reset as needed and deepen my awareness. Added bonus? You'll be wonderfully hydrated.

Water can also be used after a healing session, difficult conversation, or stimulating event. This can be via a cleansing shower or bath or, more simply, washing your hands. At the end of each tarot session I like to wash my hands deliberately, picturing all the energies I've experienced being rinsed away.

I finish by making the shape of a triangle with my hands, joining the thumbs and pointer fingers of each hand around the stream of water from the faucet. I picture the water rushing up through the space around me. Whether you think of this as your aura, energetic field, or simply the air surrounding you makes no difference. It's a uniquely energizing way to clear and ground yourself before jumping back into the world. 

2. Touch some dirt!

You can ground yourself by touching the ground? Who would've thought! 

Interacting with the earth is a classic technique for a reason. It reconnects us with our physical being and the solidity of the world we inhabit. Simply make some time to walk around outside barefoot, preferably on some soft grass. Spend time gardening or tending to plants, allowing your stress to fall into the background and dissipate. 

Rocks and crystals are also excellent ways to get in touch with the ground. Carry one with you and hold it when you feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, or as if you're drifting away from your center. Imagine the stone absorbing all this energy. Afterwards you can recharge the stone by placing it outside in the sunlight or moonlight or simply on top of the ground itself. 

3. Visualize

There are many methods of using visualization to become grounded ranging from meditation to spellwork. Have fun researching them and asking around. Almost everyone has special tricks up their sleeves.

My favorite method is to visualize a stream of water exiting at the base of my spine. I picture all the energies I'm experiencing flow through me and then exit through the stream.  We often "hold our breath" energetically, allowing emotions, thoughts, and more to accumulate and build pressure. Simply turning on the tap is a surprisingly powerful way to keep yourself present and free of stress or buildup.

4. Focus on the Feet!

...and legs, and pelvis, and tailbone. You get the gist. Bringing awareness to our lower bodies is amazingly effective (take this from someone who avoided doing so for most of their early life!) 

If you find yourself drifting off, becoming stressed, or too deeply entrenched in another person's energy, think about your feet. Flex your toes, activate the muscles in your legs, and notice the points of your behind touching the chair if you're seated. I even like to kick off my shoes when I give readings.

Like the example above, it can be helpful to visualize energy entering and leaving your body from the soles of your feet. Think of the energy flowing with your breath and expand into all the corners of your body.

5. Get Moving

Think of it like shaking off excess energy. Go for a quick walk, do a little dance, or simply wave your arms and hands around as if flicking off something. 

Squats are an especially effective way to ground oneself, awakening our entire lower body and giving a satisfying sense of truly being here. And don't worry if you're unable or unwilling to do something epic. A quick gesture can be powerful as well. Imagine throwing off the energy, angst, or stress with whichever movement you choose. 


What about you? What techniques do you use to ground yourself? How have you found it useful? Please share in the comments below!

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 3-9

This is a week full of opportunity for us if we choose to reach out and take what's being offered to us. Of course, starting with the Ace of Pentacles is a welcome beacon of potential and promise. Look at this singular, shining coin! And yet taking gifts when they're offered isn't as easy as it may seem. Many of us struggle with accepting good things. Sometimes we're afraid of the spotlight - that we look greedy or boastful - and sometimes we're afraid of growing into something bigger.

Tarot del Fuego Weekly Forecast Reading

This is a week full of opportunity for us if we choose to reach out and take what's being offered to us. Of course, starting with the Ace of Pentacles is a welcome beacon of potential and promise. Look at this singular, shining coin! And yet taking gifts when they're offered isn't as easy as it may seem. Many of us struggle with accepting good things. Sometimes we're afraid of the spotlight - that we look greedy or boastful - and sometimes we're afraid of growing into something bigger.

We'll be experiencing some of these tensions this week, though not in a paralyzing sense. Rather, we're in a position where we can no longer ignore the magic happening around us. We can work on editing some of these stale and limiting stories because the rewards and support in our lives are too big to ignore.

This ace is appearing to let us know that our actions to date have been accumulating a lot of goodwill and recognition, even if we've been unaware of it, lost in doubts or simply the focus of continuing along a path, one foot ahead of the other.

This is a time to examine our reflexive responses to gifts and kindness. Are we comfortable receiving attention, support, and goodwill? How adept are we at navigating the spotlight? Whether we're feeling ready for it or not, this is a moment where we can launch ourselves into a radically new phase. It's time to get going, abandon any limitations we tend to put in front of us, and let ourselves walk into ease and expansion.

Because we have two Major Arcana cards springing from the Ace of Pentacles. Both point towards expression, growth, and support. Taking a gift, gesture of support, or windfall and running with it is leading us to bigger places. 

The Hierophant lets us know that we have incredible resources to draw on. This card speaks to mentoring figures in our lives. Who in our circles or their peripheries inspires us? Who can guide us on our path and offer us sage advice as we stretch our wings? We're onto something here and reaching out to those who've been down similar roads will both add to our knowledge and help galvanize us. This week is a time to reach out and connect with the people who inspire us. 

Bringing our dreams to others is a magical way to stay accountable and dedicated to their realization. Left alone we can abandon the path and nobody would be the wiser.

And that would be a shame since The Sun, our final card, shows us walking towards a beautiful burst of self-expression. The Sun shines so brightly that we often take it for granted. It's difficult to squint into its light and see how much energy and work goes into its output. Being a beacon, living our truth, and sharing that truth with the world is a true labor of love. It's a wonderful thing to behold, but it also requires being active, present, and, in a sense, vulnerable.

We may be feeling some anxiety this week about being seen fully, our ambitions and dreams visible to all around us. Wanting things and then pursuing them means that we're putting ourselves out there. Make room for that naked feeling while focusing on the freedom that comes with it. So what if we have big dreams and are working to make them real? When we become our own suns we don't need to worry about the opinions of others or even the bumps along the road. 

Our vision for change and connection to ourselves will always be shining above any clouds. 

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Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky

Weekend Send-Off: Hustle & Bustle

Fall is my favorite season and I'm feeling so invigorated by the small changes creeping into our still-hot North Carolina home. The dragonflies are buzzing everywhere, leaves are juuuust starting to change, and some white cranes even made a quick stopover in our pond. I feel a little bit like an intrepid squirrel running around collecting acorns for the winter.


Fall is my favorite season and I'm feeling so invigorated by the small changes creeping into our still-hot North Carolina home. The dragonflies are buzzing everywhere, leaves are juuuust starting to change, and some white cranes even made a quick stopover in our pond. I feel a little bit like an intrepid squirrel running around collecting acorns for the winter.

And there's a lot to prepare for! I'm getting married in three weeks, it's almost October aka Halloween - the busiest time of the year for a tarot reader, and I'm redesigning my website. For more info on these changes be sure to sign up for my newsletter - this upcoming one is quite epic and features my experience of The Tower in relation to my wedding (hint: it's far from the usual interpretations!) 

For those of you in the triangle who'd like a quick reading or just want to say hi (please do, I'd love to meet you!) I'll be at the Patchwork Market at Fullsteam Brewery in Durham tomorrow from 12-4. 

Otherwise, here's some of the joys and discoveries from the week, as well as a card to center and inspire our weekend.

Tarot Discoveries - "The Cadillac of Tarot Readings"

I'm always all ears when tarot great Mary K. Greer has anything to say on tarot so when she posted about this spread from Jean-Claude Flournoy I got very excited. This spread uses all of the Major Arcana and seems to be very comprehensive, indeed! I'll be trying out for myself as a treat this weekend. 

Beautiful Words - The King of Cups

I loved this piece by Sabrina Scott at Little Red Tarot: "Public feelings & dark days with the King of Cups."  It's a beautiful meditation on the power of rethinking "mastery" and feeling our emotions freely. 

Repeat Tarot Card - The Lovers

The Lovers has been popping up in its more complex iteration. What does it mean to embody love and how to we hold space for our individual selves while being in relationships with others? It has me thinking a lot about this often wished for experience and the complications that can spring from its reality.

Listening, Reading, Watching

I've been booping around a lot this week and haven't found myself with much free time to read. Such sadness! But there's a time for everything. I did, however, pick up a new tarot book from the library, Tarot Beyond the Basics by Anthony Louis. I'm really looking forward to diving into this one as it focuses on astrological correspondences and numerology. 

How about you? What has been bringing joy to your life this week? Now without further ado, the card for the weekend.

Majors 09 The Hermit.jpg

The Hermit


Message: Get cozy and tune into your deeper needs and messages. 

Embrace: Solitude, rest, regeneration.

Let Go Of: External pressures, chaotic social situations, productivity.

Guidance: Take a time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday life so that you can stretch out into the experience of just being yourself. Create a sanctuary and see what insights come to the surface.

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Knights

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

I often refer to the Knights as the teenagers in tarot. They have the same headstrong conviction and, like any rebellious youth, this attitude is also masking an endearing tenderness. Not fully formed as people, the Knights still have a lot to figure out, which is why these cards can also represent foolhardiness, irrational decision making, and risk-taking.

While the Knights can get themselves in a pickle by jumping the gun - saying something in anger or frustration, committing to a task they can't finish, or living in an idealized fantasy world - they also bring an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm to any situation. Look to the Knights for the galvanizing force behind a big leap or the passion needed to get things going and inspire others. 

Each of the Knights comes with their own unique flavor. Let's explore their wild, engaging, and impetuous world below:

The  Knight of Wands is quite the handful. Just think about the combination of teenage energy + fiery wands! This card might possibly be the most charismatic of the deck. It brings with it passion, energy, and the desire to leap in and get things done.

For the Knight of Swords is much more cerebral. This is a card where the conceptual and the real come together for the Knight of Swords is all about testing out ideas. What might this theory look like in real life? How can we act on our principles or communicate our thoughts? This can sometimes get tricky since sharp swords are in the situation, but the intention is usually well-meaning.

The Knight of Cups is the romantic of the bunch. Think of the emo guy writing poetry in the back of class. This Knight has a way with words and imagery, loves art and poetry, and will sweep anyone off their feet with romantic promises. When it comes to real life, however, this card balks at anything less than glamorous and perfect and can become sullen and withdrawn.

Last but not least, The Knight of Pentacles brings the energy of the Knights back down to earth. The most practical of the bunch, this card is all about slow, deliberate, action. Concerned with cultivation and making plans into reality, this card can get stuck in their ways and become resistant to change. Is the path they're going on what they really want?

What about you? How do the Knights show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these zesty cards.

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