Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: February 20-26

After weeks of big, existential readings we come down to earth and into a somewhat chaotic situation. I’m hoping, however, that this contrast will be refreshing, as we take what we’ve learned from our experience of Major Arcana cards like Strength, and apply them to the minutiae of our daily lives.

three card tarot reading with rider-waite-smith deck seven of wands eight of pentacles ace of swords

After weeks of big, existential readings we come down to earth and into a somewhat chaotic situation. I’m hoping, however, that this contrast will be refreshing, as we take what we’ve learned from our experience of Major Arcana cards like Strength, and apply them to the minutiae of our daily lives.

And, to be honest, it sometimes feels good to get back into the rhythm of taking care of business, and no card expresses this mixture of strenuous action and deep satisfaction better than the Seven of Wands. Tasks, projects, bids for attention - all manners of requests on our time are surfacing in the beginning of the week. See where you can find pleasure in checking things off your to-do list. Have you been stuck in your head, deep in analysis, planning, and hypothetical scenarios? The demands of life might feel like a welcome change of pace. Let your focus land on the task that’s immediately at hand; it’s likely that another one is right behind it, and you may enjoy this game of whack-a-mole once you get warmed up to the intensity.

There’s also something mysterious underneath the motion and occasional stress of the Seven of Wands. Sometimes this card can reflect an internal angst that’s surfacing through hyper-productivity or lots of motion. Are we trying to outrun something? Propel ourselves into a future we can’t quite pinpoint? What’s clear, however, is that we have something important to work out, and the only way to do that is through action, experimentation, and actual lived experiences. In this moment, mild discomfort, irritation, and friction are an important part of the process and not a sign to abandon our course of action.

I’ve written a lot about how the sevens in tarot have this strange, fairytale logic, and in the case of the Seven of Wands, it’s a moment of trust: that our instincts will lead us to the right path; that our mistakes will train us for what we’re truly after; and that our intuition and subconscious will be working their magic under the surface as we strive to live a life that’s meaningful to us. Am I asking us to view feeling harried and overbooked as a sign of spiritual growth? Maybe I am! What’s clear, though, is that we have to move our way through this; stopping is not an option.

The wands suit can usher in a great deal of change. After this initial phase of action, see what new information has revealed itself. What are you working towards and what path did you just clear (even if unintentionally)? The Eight of Pentacles holds down the center of our reading, representing a place of concentration and productivity. Scattered energy becomes focused, deliberate, even meditative. Trust that your big goals will be realized so long as you do the work, then try to enjoy doing that work, uninterrupted.

Looking at these two cards, I get a sense of a busy life, well-lived. This is not a time for reinventing the wheel; we’re busy refining and settling into the routines we’ve worked so hard to establish. Yet if there’s a sense of boredom or stagnation in these places (which, let’s be real, can happen) the Ace of Swords arrives at the end of the week as a beacon of inspiration. A new idea, arrangement, conversation, book, or other conduit of information is jolting us out of our usual assumptions and pushing us towards a new horizon.

All of these cards, however, appear quite harmonious, and this is a tarot reading that seems to be describing multiple levels of a busy and whole life. With that in mind, it’ll be important to respect and embrace the many layers to our existence. This is not a time to be threatened by the facets of your humanity, in other words! There may be no problem to be solved at this moment, even if the demands on your time occasionally feel challenging, imperfect, or conflicting.

Potential surprise/reframe:

The Ace of Swords is doing something interesting here. It’s unclear whether its energy represents a new chapter just starting to emerge or a welcome contrast to the busy, solid rest of our reading/lives. And in any case, the whole point and challenge of Aces is that we don’t know and we shouldn’t try to figure it out! Resisting the urge to make a new idea or experience “into something” can be quite a challenge, yet it seems as if we need some lighthearted wonder in our lives right now - we’re doing so much with these complicated, adult other cards as it is. See where you can feed your natural curiosity, think outside the box, and, most importantly, let surprising and new forms of information into your life. Aces are gifts from an outside source; whether it’s a person, resource, experience, or any other conduit, be sure to cultivate openness so that you can recognize and receive it when it comes.

This week, embrace:

  • Determination

  • Focus

  • Multitasking

  • Monitoring your energy levels

  • Intellectually stimulating activities

This week, Avoid:

  • Distraction

  • Taking on tasks that don’t benefit you

  • Procrastination/Avoidance/Daydreaming

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: August 22-28

Heartache is back on the menu this week, but it’s not an unfamiliar dish. We’re still dealing with the tenderness that came to the surface two weeks ago when the Three of Swords was our central card. Now, however, it’s leading us into the week. We’ve been striding side by side with our tender hearts, getting to know each other. What challenging feelings have been accompanying you lately, and how much more friendly can you be to yourself now that you’ve had some time to better understand what you’re going through?

Heartache is back on the menu this week, but it’s not an unfamiliar dish. We’re still dealing with the tenderness that came to the surface two weeks ago when the Three of Swords was our central card. Now, however, it’s leading us into the week. We’ve been striding side by side with our tender hearts, getting to know each other. What challenging feelings have been accompanying you lately, and how much more friendly can you be to yourself now that you’ve had some time to better understand what you’re going through?

This is a week to give your heart what it needs. It’s not for nothing that the pain in our first cards comes from three swords stuck in a robust red heart. In tarot, swords deal with the mind; let’s not use our thoughts to twist the swords lodged in our hearts. Self-criticism, beating up on yourself because there’s nothing else you can do to escape challenging situations - all of this will only prolong our suffering. It brings to mind picking at a scab, whether out of anxiety, discomfort, or boredom. Ultimately, we re-open the wound, and let the painful cycle repeat itself.

It’s worth considering if there’s some ritualized act going on. Are you using your swords-like capacities - reasoning, logic, argument - to re-open your wounds? Do you feel more comfortable arguing with your feelings than actually experiencing them? (And)/or are you hiding a fear of what would happen if you let these wounds heal? What would happen then?

Well, this reading has a lovely alternate path for us to take. The Six of Cups shows a place of sanctuary and the healing that can happen when we step away from the piercing questions of the swords and into the replenishing waters of the cups. This is a deeply intimate and personal card that calls on themes of innocence, nostaligia, and childhood. Spend as much time as you can reconnecting with what brings you pure, unadulterated joy or deep relaxation. You may find inspiration in your childhood interests - look for gestures, rituals, and activities that remove you from the sharp thoughts circulating in your mind, gently placing you in a softer, calmer state. In true cups fashion, these will involve themes of beauty, poetry, love, and emotion.

So while this isn’t a resounding “yes!” of a reading, it is, in my opinion, quite meaningful and encouraging. We’ve been doing the hard work of staying with our hearts, even when they’re aching. Even if it hasn’t felt like we’ve made the progress we imagined, it may be because we’re seeking a solution to a problem that isn’t even a problem to begin with. Having a beating heart means it will be hurt eventually, and how else would we remember the preciousness of being alive?

It will be important to make room for rest in the beginning of the week, as things shift notably from internal witnessing and healing to the very busy, externally-oriented Seven of Wands. This card could go two ways, and it definitely shows us that we’ll have some finessing to do if we want to avoid angsty burnout or needless conflict.

Taken mindfully, this card shows an increase in energy and willpower - healing in service of growth through action - that will have us wrestling with our lives in real-time. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

If we rush through the Three of Swords and Six of Cups, however, or try to avoid their messages, we may find ourselves wanting to vent our frustrations on those around us, creating unnecessary drama and conflict as a means of distraction. Be on the lookout for irritation, judgmental thoughts, and the urge to push through your own agenda. The next stage will require some force and initiative, but it should be the kind that gives you a rush of enthusiasm and focus, not angst or resentment.

This week, embrace:

  • Taking time to rest

  • Self-compassion, being with your suffering

  • Getting in touch with your senses

  • Pastimes, places, and people that make you feel safe and connected to your true self

  • Re-entering a challenge with focus and humility

This week, avoid:

  • Rumination, self-criticism, spinning stories to fill the void

  • Illusions of control

  • Fast-forwarding subtle or difficult growth

  • Venting your frustrations on others

  • Workaholism

Get creative:

  • Three of Swords: This week we’re focused more on the swords in our hearts. What are they, specifically? Take some time to identify the top three ways you’ve been using your mind to (re)injure yourself in moments of vulnerability, sadness, or suffering. Just practice awareness of these when they pop up, nothing more.

  • Six of Cups: One facet of this card we didn’t touch on is space. Here, we have an interior courtyard, a place that’s both open and protected. Choose a space in your life this week, real or imagined/mental, to which you can retreat when you feel overwhelmed by the stormy emotions of the three of swords. Don’t skimp on creature comforts - this is a week where every little bit of coziness counts, and it’s actually combatting the harmful jabs and barbs of the Three of Swords. You may want to invite a trusted friend or family member to join you there and share in both the burden and bounty of your emotional experience.

  • Seven of Wands: Well isn’t this an angsty character? There’s something about this card that reminds me of a training montage. That moment in a movie when our hero has to undergo a grueling regimen of exercises and challenges to build endurance, preferably set to a blaring pump-up jam. It may help to imagine yourself in a similar heroic situation when important constructive challenges arise. Channel your bristling energy, embrace that it’ll be difficult, and revel in the strength you’ll be building.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 1-7

The energy for this weeks starts off ponderous and heavy. We're clearly taking our lives very seriously, considering the traditional viewpoints of The Hierophant that initiate our reading. Yet, as we can see from the undignified face-plant of the Ten of Swords, these ideas and strategies have reached far beyond any semblance of helpfulness. In fact, they've overtaken our sense of self, and now we must contend with a back full of swords.

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite Tarot The Hierophant, Seven of Wands, Ten of Swords

The energy for this weeks starts off ponderous and heavy. We're clearly taking our lives very seriously, considering the traditional viewpoints of The Hierophant that initiate our reading. Yet, as we can see from the undignified face-plant of the Ten of Swords, these ideas and strategies have reached far beyond any semblance of helpfulness. In fact, they've overtaken our sense of self, and now we must contend with a back full of swords.

The spikier cards (usually the swords, no surprise there) can sometimes dominate a reading, making their themes seem overarching when they're just one voice in the chorus. Such is the case here, since the Seven of Wands concludes the week. It seems that we're jumping up from the injuries and pressures of the Ten and back into action quite quickly.

In other words, we're more than ready to change our orientation and get back in the fray.

A rewind is in order: What big societal, familial, and/or traditional pressures are causing us to collapse? This will hold the key to our rebound and rejuvenation.

The Ten of Swords suggests that we're at the point in a long process of healing when we've reached critical mass. We have no choice but to confront and let go. Beautifully, it looks like we're more than ready to do so. Our healing has progressed far beyond our past struggles; now is the time to tap into our budding wands energy and counter our internal pressures with external, creative action.

Over thinking and intense self-awareness will only hold us back. We might want to explore how we use these strategies to keep ourselves stuck in a familiar place of under-performance. The Hierophant here seems to be running that show (we can see his red robes sliding from the prone figure's shoulder in the Ten of Swords.) What old and external pressures are beginning to leave our lives? Or, at least, feel inauthentic? Now is the time to examine how they've wounded and shaped us and, most importantly, to say our goodbyes.

In case this ponderous energy seems too much, the Seven of Wands is here to remind us of how much energy and excitement there is in our daily lives. This card asks us to channel the angst and pain from The Hierophant and the Ten of Swords into our pursuits, whether they're creative, professional, or physical. What are we doing for ourselves that makes us feel light and alive?

This card tells us that our lives are our masterpieces: In creating and caring for them we show ourselves how powerful we can be, and how we can free ourselves from the limitations of beliefs that have never been ours to begin with.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 24-30

We have a very practical Weekly Forecast on our hands, dear friends. This isn't a lofty or cosmic message, maybe relievingly so after what seems like a month at least of big readings peppered with many Major Arcana cards.

Three Card Reading Mystic Mondays Tarot Wheel of Fortune

We have a very practical Weekly Forecast on our hands, dear friends. This isn't a lofty or cosmic message, maybe relievingly so after what seems like a month at least of big readings peppered with many Major Arcana cards.

That's not to say that this is an inconsequential time, but it is one when we can hang up bigger life questions and dive back into the tasks of everyday life. What better group of cards to leave the way, then, than than the wands?

The Wheel of Fortune in the center is signaling this shift from personal growth and healing to daily concerns. The new season is ruled by the wands, those fiery and ambitious cards that inspire us to get up and get going. And the best way to honor this change? It's to dive right in.

When we see The Wheel of Fortune we can be sure that change is imminent. If we've been feeling in the weeds or overwhelmed with interrogating our life choices or navigating our psyches, we can breathe a sigh of relief. The clouds are parting. Take note of wherever you feel stuck right now and use this wands energy to consciously burst past your blockages.

In case you feel nervous about all this energy, rest easy. The beginning of this week is giving us a wonderful time to plan and collect ourselves. The Two of Wands is arguably the most secure of the bunch. It's the moment before takeoff, the grounding before a big shift, and the creative freedom of honing a plan before the action starts.

The Two of Wands is inviting us to tie up loose ends, take advantage of the time we have, and to get in touch with our larger plan before it spins into the complicated and exciting realm of reality. How can we focus and point our arrow at the target before it shoots into action?

This card is quite affirming because it indicates that we're in a secure position to be doing all of this. And, for the restless among us, we can enjoy the process knowing that the action is just around the corner.

The Wheel of Fortune in the center also tells us that if there's a project or plan we've been honing, waiting for just the right moment to begin, it's almost time to launch it into reality. The middle of the week is an excellent time to initiate new ventures, start new creative projects, or begin a larger shift. When we take advantage of this cosmic good weather it can be surprising how quickly we progress.

Speaking of which, The Seven of Wands is asking us to prepare for an onslaught of action. It's not of the dangerous sort, but it's intensity might catch us off guard. It will be increasingly important to remain grounded in our larger goals and convictions and to remember to enjoy the busyness we may have only been dreaming of just a few days ago.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: April 9-15

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Knight of Cups The Magician Ten of Swords

It's easy to feel like we have to go it alone. I'm picturing a solitary, determined hero, squinting into the sunset before galloping off into the wilderness. We have a bit of a cult of self-sufficiency at work in our culture. It sure comes with its own rugged allure, but it can also become exhausting. When we act like our world is shaped only by us it's easy to buckle under the pressure. We can see success as ours and ours alone, and unfortunately the same goes for failure or shortcomings.

But what happens when we bring our unique talents and skills together as a collective? Isn't the sum of our parts greater than any individual skill? What can we accomplish when we ride into the sunset together?

This week we're primed to reach out and find support, solace, and inspiration in the connections we have with others. In fact, we're enjoying it right now. Our communities are blossoming and what might at first seem like pure enjoyment and fun is actually a precursor for some serious (and seriously magical) accomplishment.

The Three of Cups shows us the richness of connection we're enjoying at the moment. It's a truly special thing to be able to celebrate our successes and struggles with others. This is a week to reach out and share your growth with those around you and in turn hold space for their victories. There's a lot of good work being done right now and it's our job to make space for its splendor instead of rushing past it towards more work. 

The toast shown in the Three of Cups is turning into a powerful alliance for practical growth, as we can see in our next card, Three of Pentacles. Think of sharing laughter, good times, and celebration as planting seeds. We never know what will sprout up from the joy we share with others and building partnerships and collaborations can be lighthearted and freeing.

We often look at connections as binding. They tie us to a place, a way of being, or a plan of action. Ties, of course, can give us structure, but they can also be constricting. This week is asking us to consider a different metaphor: friendship and collaboration as a solid foundation that gives us great creative freedom. Working in conjunction with others (and benefiting from each person's diverse skills and abilities) expands our horizons radically. We're no longer limited to what we can accomplish by ourselves.

The Three of Pentacles illustrates the burgeoning energy that arises when we find like-minded co-conspirators. Many exciting plans are in the works and this is the perfect week to assemble your dream team, envision all the goals you'd like to accomplish, and think big with fellow visionaries. This space can act as a sanctuary, injecting a sense of satisfaction and meaning into our already busy lives. Giving ourselves the time to talk about our dreams with others and hatch plans that bring our skills together is allowing us to engage with the usual barrage of responsibilities, bill paying, and, yes, tax season, with refreshed energy and purpose.

The Seven of Wands shows us how we can feel empowered to tackle the multiple facets of everyday life when we have a solid team behind our backs. We're all in this together and the strength of our relationships, both personal and professional, are propelling us towards some serious productivity and mindful action. 

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Sevens

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

The growth and harmony of the sixes quickly gets complicated with the topsy-turvy sevens. This group of cards illustrates the necessary shakeups that takes us out of our comfort zone and towards the next level. We may struggle in this moment of adjustment, but this gives us the opportunity to test ourselves and emerge all the wiser and affirmed with valuable knowledge.

As a number, seven pops up frequently in mythology and superstition - think snow white and the seven dwarfs and "lucky number seven." Because of this, the sevens hold a great deal of mystery and a spiritual undertone, whether literally or through a more general "deeper meaning."

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The  Seven of Wands sees the fiery energy of the suit back at it again. The six, with its happy victory parade, is calm and content with success. This feeling, however, is feeling and the seven shows the exhilaration and motivation that comes from action.

For the Seven of Swords is delightfully tricky. Like the Seven of Wands, this cards energy is somewhat challenging. Wielded irresponsibly, say by sneaking off with seven literal swords, it can be harmful and deceptive. With understanding of the necessity of lightheartedness and play, it can add a refreshing zest to life. As a swords card, it also refers to the rejuvenating force of mental experimentation and games when it comes to shaking up old ideas or plans.

The Seven of Cups shows both the bounty and overwhelming power of our imaginations. We're able to conjure up the most fantastic situations, ideas, and even feelings. Without direction, however, we can get frozen in the face of all those possibilities. This card shows us the wonder of daydreaming, spiritual seeking, and uninhibited emotions as well as their shadow sides: it's easy to lose sight of ourselves in the face of all these visions.

Finally, the Seven of Pentacles unsurprisingly seems to channel the destabilizing energy of the sevens best. Being all about, well stability, the pentacles expression of this group of cards is one of reflection and achievement, though not in the boastful sense. Rather we see a contemplative farmer gazing at a vine blossoming with golden pentacles. Their hard work has paid off, giving them a moment to reflect, learn, and plan for the future. Perhaps there is even a hidden message as well...

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

How to Interpret Major Arcana Cards

The Fool Tarot Card Pagan Otherworlds Circo Tarot Soprafino Tarot Marseilles

Last week I wrote about exploring the Major Arcana through the Fool's Journey. But what about in readings? How do we dive into the meanings of these striking cards when they show up in our spreads?

I like to think of the Major Arcana as the heavy hitters of tarot. These are the cards that engage with the big issues of life: our personal development, inner struggles, and deeper patterns. They appear in readings to direct us towards the important journeys of whomever we read for. If the minor arcana deals with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the majors refer to our deeper currents

Explore Major Arcana Card Meanings

Picture a deep, beautiful ocean. The wind might pick up and drive the surface into frothy waves or the sun might come out from behind the clouds and make the top layers balmy and warm. The wind is the influence of the minors - events in our daily lives that influence our state of mind.

The lower depths, however, are much different. They respond to mysterious currents and cycles not always visible from the top. In fact, oftentimes the fray on the surface doesn't reflect the slower, instinctual path beneath. In this way we can look at the Major Arcana as the currents of our lives - forces that lead us along our journey of growth and change.

With this in mind we can look at our spreads as forecasts for both layers. If the minor arcana cards paint a much different picture than the major(s) we can see if the current path is reflective of the querent's higher self/life path. For example, say we draw one major arcana card, The Hermit. Surrounding it are lots of tarot cards depicting conflict and tension like the Five of Swords and Seven of Wands.

This tells us that the action on the surface - the Five of Swords and Seven of Wands - is at odds with the larger journey of the querent. The deception and conflict is masking a strong urge to focus inwards and reconnect with their greater purpose. The querent may find themselves feeling destabilized and lashing out with unkind words, masking their discomfort with high-stakes actions, rather than allowing themselves to follow their own instincts and take some time for themselves.

Overall, the Majors invite us to think big. All facets of our life have a common theme: ourselves. Honoring each person's journey as something profound and meaningful can be quite healing. It also grants us access to helpful advice and guidance. Look to the majors to see what's truly important, what qualities to embrace, and where the querent is in their journey of the self. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 24-31

Tarot Reading with the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Four of Swords Heirophant Seven of Wands

Ah, a visit from the ten of swords, such a dark and striking card.

We haven't had a visit from the heavier swords cards in the forecasts in a while. As a young tarot reader I had to contend with a lot of these popping up in my personal readings. It was daunting and off-putting, but also mysterious. I knew there was some deeper lesson beyond all the intensity.

Some of the cards in the swords suite like this ten ask us to face the harsher facets of life. Usually our first instinct is to turn away. We'd rather not dwell on this image of a figure stabbed in the back ten times. It's disturbing. Yet at the same time we can't move forward constructively with ten swords in our back, can we?

The ten of swords forces us to come face to face with our fears, especially all the ways we hold ourselves back. 

This week we're feeling laid low. Something we've been struggling with for a while has really come home to roost. We may have been avoiding a certain reality, rushing around trying to distract ourselves, or pushing ourselves to "move on" before we were ready to. 

Either way, this ten is telling us that we can't get off the hook that easily. We have to feel our feelings, even the wild and scary ones. In fact, this scary and disorienting task is what we need most.

The ten of swords challenges us to look at how our thoughts amplify our suffering. When something bad (or unfortunate or out of our control) happens to us how do we react? 

Now is a time to examine our negative thought patterns. Do we have a tendency to blame ourselves? Punish ourselves for a percieved failure? To allow a bleak outlook to permeate the rest our lives? 

This is a task we must undertake with gentleness and non-judgment, not blame. We're being asked to care for ourselves with the compassion and gentleness we'd offer a friend or loved one.

As a ten, this card depicts the end of a cycle, and indeed we can see brightness on the horizon, pushing away the darkness. Our next card shows us the key to picking ourselves up and healing our wounds. 

The Hierophant points us in the direction of structure and a larger picture. Routine and predictability will be giving us solace when we get overwhelmed. The challenge is keeping up with it even when we're not feeling our best.

The ten of swords shows a figure injured and disoriented. This week we're being asked to lift our heads and look to something bigger to inspire us - spirituality, nature, helping others, and different ways of enlarging our world view will bring us healing and a renewed sense of purpose.

This week spend time giving yourself plenty of time and space to nurutre yourself. We're going through a big growth process, and that takes energy. It's okay to rest and grant yourself some well-deserved time to reconnect with what gives your life meaning.

We move from this healing space and back into the fray of life. We shift, however, from the cerebral suit of swords to the dynamic wands. Something about this rest period has invigorated us, and though we might feel a bit on edge, moving will do us good so long as we keep up our self-care routines. 

There's an angst to the seven of wands, but the fiery nature of the suit reflects the power of anger and determination when wielded properly. Be sure to avoid outsourcing these feelings onto innocent bystanders as you jump back into the fray of this busy time. It's a lot to work through, but with care it could result in a long-awaited breakthrough. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 8-14

Tarot reading with The Fountain Tarot

We’re caught in a transitional period this week, digesting deeper truths about ourselves while trying our best to make sense of our daily lives. On their own, one of these would be more than enough to keep us busy. Together they’re pushing us towards a seemingly inescapable sense of overwhelm.

It’s natural to throw up a flurry of activity to distract ourselves from personal concerns. Like the Seven of Wands, the underling turmoil gives us energy. Rather than looking inward to meet it where it lives, we prefer to fling it outwards instead.

It’s bustling, dramatic, and easy to hide behind. Who can get upset when you’re just working hard and getting things done?

As much as we’d like to insist that we’re being pragmatic and hard-working, the dust we’re kicking up serves a purpose.

Why is the strong character in the Seven leaping down the stairs to defend himself? Why not use his energy to leap upwards, towards something new?

Sometimes we’re more comfortable confronting old demons than blazing new and unknown paths. The man in the Seven of Wands didn’t grow strong completely on his own. Maybe he feels he needs to be fighting off enemies to stay that way. Maybe simply walking up those stairs makes him feel weak.

Well, that sounds exhausting. And it doesn’t leave much room for ease and exploration. What do we do then?

We have to create meaning that comes straight from ourselves and not struggle or distraction.

This might be scary, since it involves truly standing behind who we are and what we want. There’s nothing to hide behind, no excuses to offer. It’s just us and our own values and desires.

Judgement shows us that we’re reacting with understandable fear and insecurity to something that’s actually quite beautiful. We’ve been getting some clear messages about what’s important to us and who we really are.

Rather than leap towards the light we question it. Before we know it we’re tossing around sticks and feeling lost in the fray like the Seven of Wands. Our backs are turned away from the next steps forward.

Luckily things can’t stay this way for long. Judgement is a powerful card and as much as we try to ignore it, there’s no going back when we find something pivotal out about ourselves. Maybe it’s a dream that’s laid dormant for a while, something secret you wouldn’t even admit to wanting. Or maybe it’s a desire, something you want in your heart of hearts and don’t want to accept.

Well, here it is. You’ve gotten a glimpse at it and try as you might you can’t forget it. It’s natural to leap out of this awareness and into the confusion of the Seven of Wands. And this is not altogether negative. Sure, a dream or desire or truth about yourself is purely what it is. It’s an idea, after all. Making it come true, however, is not so simple.

The moment of Judgement – seeing something for what it is – is just a moment. When we try to make something out of it, well, it gets messy because we’re bringing an idea into the complexities of everyday life.

We end with The Star to remind us to be gentle with ourselves as we start grappling with making a dream into a reality. Yes, we’ll be tempted to run back down the stairs and grapple with old fears, but we can’t remain stuck down there and we won’t.

Why? Because when you see a dream for what it is for the first time you also see the power of your own guiding light that illuminates the way. And that’s utterly, and completely yours.

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