Weekly Forecast: August 22-28

Heartache is back on the menu this week, but it’s not an unfamiliar dish. We’re still dealing with the tenderness that came to the surface two weeks ago when the Three of Swords was our central card. Now, however, it’s leading us into the week. We’ve been striding side by side with our tender hearts, getting to know each other. What challenging feelings have been accompanying you lately, and how much more friendly can you be to yourself now that you’ve had some time to better understand what you’re going through?

This is a week to give your heart what it needs. It’s not for nothing that the pain in our first cards comes from three swords stuck in a robust red heart. In tarot, swords deal with the mind; let’s not use our thoughts to twist the swords lodged in our hearts. Self-criticism, beating up on yourself because there’s nothing else you can do to escape challenging situations - all of this will only prolong our suffering. It brings to mind picking at a scab, whether out of anxiety, discomfort, or boredom. Ultimately, we re-open the wound, and let the painful cycle repeat itself.

It’s worth considering if there’s some ritualized act going on. Are you using your swords-like capacities - reasoning, logic, argument - to re-open your wounds? Do you feel more comfortable arguing with your feelings than actually experiencing them? (And)/or are you hiding a fear of what would happen if you let these wounds heal? What would happen then?

Well, this reading has a lovely alternate path for us to take. The Six of Cups shows a place of sanctuary and the healing that can happen when we step away from the piercing questions of the swords and into the replenishing waters of the cups. This is a deeply intimate and personal card that calls on themes of innocence, nostaligia, and childhood. Spend as much time as you can reconnecting with what brings you pure, unadulterated joy or deep relaxation. You may find inspiration in your childhood interests - look for gestures, rituals, and activities that remove you from the sharp thoughts circulating in your mind, gently placing you in a softer, calmer state. In true cups fashion, these will involve themes of beauty, poetry, love, and emotion.

So while this isn’t a resounding “yes!” of a reading, it is, in my opinion, quite meaningful and encouraging. We’ve been doing the hard work of staying with our hearts, even when they’re aching. Even if it hasn’t felt like we’ve made the progress we imagined, it may be because we’re seeking a solution to a problem that isn’t even a problem to begin with. Having a beating heart means it will be hurt eventually, and how else would we remember the preciousness of being alive?

It will be important to make room for rest in the beginning of the week, as things shift notably from internal witnessing and healing to the very busy, externally-oriented Seven of Wands. This card could go two ways, and it definitely shows us that we’ll have some finessing to do if we want to avoid angsty burnout or needless conflict.

Taken mindfully, this card shows an increase in energy and willpower - healing in service of growth through action - that will have us wrestling with our lives in real-time. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

If we rush through the Three of Swords and Six of Cups, however, or try to avoid their messages, we may find ourselves wanting to vent our frustrations on those around us, creating unnecessary drama and conflict as a means of distraction. Be on the lookout for irritation, judgmental thoughts, and the urge to push through your own agenda. The next stage will require some force and initiative, but it should be the kind that gives you a rush of enthusiasm and focus, not angst or resentment.

This week, embrace:

  • Taking time to rest

  • Self-compassion, being with your suffering

  • Getting in touch with your senses

  • Pastimes, places, and people that make you feel safe and connected to your true self

  • Re-entering a challenge with focus and humility

This week, avoid:

  • Rumination, self-criticism, spinning stories to fill the void

  • Illusions of control

  • Fast-forwarding subtle or difficult growth

  • Venting your frustrations on others

  • Workaholism

Get creative:

  • Three of Swords: This week we’re focused more on the swords in our hearts. What are they, specifically? Take some time to identify the top three ways you’ve been using your mind to (re)injure yourself in moments of vulnerability, sadness, or suffering. Just practice awareness of these when they pop up, nothing more.

  • Six of Cups: One facet of this card we didn’t touch on is space. Here, we have an interior courtyard, a place that’s both open and protected. Choose a space in your life this week, real or imagined/mental, to which you can retreat when you feel overwhelmed by the stormy emotions of the three of swords. Don’t skimp on creature comforts - this is a week where every little bit of coziness counts, and it’s actually combatting the harmful jabs and barbs of the Three of Swords. You may want to invite a trusted friend or family member to join you there and share in both the burden and bounty of your emotional experience.

  • Seven of Wands: Well isn’t this an angsty character? There’s something about this card that reminds me of a training montage. That moment in a movie when our hero has to undergo a grueling regimen of exercises and challenges to build endurance, preferably set to a blaring pump-up jam. It may help to imagine yourself in a similar heroic situation when important constructive challenges arise. Channel your bristling energy, embrace that it’ll be difficult, and revel in the strength you’ll be building.


Ways to Read Tarot Casually


Weekly Forecast: August 15-21