Tarot Spreads Gina Wisotzky Tarot Spreads Gina Wisotzky

A Tarot Spread for Relaxation

I’m so glad to change all that with this latest spread dedicated to relaxation, a topic that’s been on the forefront of my mind lately.

It’s been a while since I last posted a tarot spread here.

I’m so glad to change all that with this latest spread dedicated to relaxation, a topic that’s been on the forefront of my mind lately.

We talk so much about the importance of relaxation in our culture, maybe even more time than we actually spend relaxing! And, often, we use tarot as more of a planning or motivating tool than as an invitation to return into ourselves and our own experiences.

I invite you to use this spread when you want to sink deeper into your own self and shake off some of the stress and anxiety we accumulate in everyday life.

Because this is a mindfulness-based tarot spread, look at the cards from this lens. Avoid seeing the cards and pressure-filled to-do lists and instead see their affirming and guding qualities as they lead you towards deeper relaxation.

Click on the image for the detailed walkthrough and enjoy!

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

The Best Way to Read Tarot is as Your True Self

Someone once asked me at a dinner party if I acted differently when I read tarot for clients.

It took a minute for that to sink in. Differently? How?

I quickly realized that this lovely person, a math teacher, was wondering if I put on an act for my readings. You know, the classic turban and crystal ball schtick.

I could only laugh.

Someone once asked me at a dinner party if I acted differently when I read tarot for clients.

It took a minute for that to sink in. Differently? How?

I quickly realized that this lovely person, a math teacher, was wondering if I put on an act for my readings. You know, the classic turban and crystal ball schtick.

I could only laugh.

For those who know my personally, I do not fit the outdated stereotype of a tarot reader, fortune-teller, or psychic - at all. I’m effusive, warm, curious, and open. And I can’t read tarot any other way.

What’s more, in my many years reading and teaching tarot, I’ve found that people give the best and most insightful readings when doing them from a place of deep authenticity.

Think of it this way: could you recite a poem more comfortably using your own voice or with a theatrical stage accent?

Oftentimes, we assume we have to change or edit our personalities when trying something new. But doing so only makes things more awkward. It just doesn’t flow when you’re trying to be something you’re not, and tarot is an intuitive art that works best when we’re tapping into our personal power.

So, what is it about you that’s unique? How do you talk when you get excited about something or are speaking a deep truth?

This is different for everyone which I find infinitely beautiful. You may be more poetic, serious, goofy, scientific, or mystical. The world needs tarot readers of all stripes, so celebrate your unique perspective.

And, another fun secret: when getting readings from other pro readers, one thing is resoundingly clear - they all read as themselves, too. Each reader has a unique voice, outlook, and style. Embracing it will only make your readings better. Neglecting it will just feel awkward.

I’ve been told by many new clients that they’ve never had a reading like mine before. I love tarot so much and find each set of cards to be such an adventure that I often make exclamations when I turn them over. Like, “Ooh, this is fascinating!” or “There’s so much magic happening in your life right now!” You could say I have no chill when it comes to tarot.

If I were to try to tamp this down in the interest of appearing more serious or mystical, my clients would miss out on a huge part of my talents as a reader. I see each reading as a unique and fascinating adventure and expressing that only amplifies my insights.

Whatever facet of your reading style makes you feel alive, engaged, and deliciously you, keep at it.

It’s an intrinsic part of your tarot magic, and something to celebrate. Plus, it makes your readings all the more powerful, energetic, and intuitive.

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Embracing Down Time in Your Tarot Practice

While teaching a beginner class the other day, I got to thinking about frequency and dedication in tarot.

A question I get often, especially from people just starting out, is how to use tarot in everyday life. And the most common practice by far is a daily draw. I’ve also seen, however, that this practice can get overwhelming fast. Same goes for daily readings.

While teaching a beginner class the other day, I got to thinking about frequency and dedication in tarot.

A question I get often, especially from people just starting out, is how to use tarot in everyday life. And the most common practice by far is a daily draw. I’ve also seen, however, that this practice can get overwhelming fast. Same goes for daily readings.

With so many cards coming at you, how do you know what they truly mean or even have time to digest their message?

My tarot philosophy centers around its use as a system to reflect the entirety of the human experience. The cards are always there, ready to tell a story, but if we’re constantly reading - our noses deep in the cards or a book - we don’t have the experience of real life to back things up.

In other words, I actually think that taking breaks between reading and studying tarot is just as important as all the research and practice in the world.


Because if tarot is a reflection of the human experience, it’s best learned when we can connect it to our actual human experience!

So if you’re feeling burnt out with the cards or wrestling with a trickier reading, give yourself time. Take a break. Get outside and see what happens in your life. You may be surprised to see a hidden meaning in a card emerge in a conversation with a friend or a symbol you never resonated with pop up on your commute to work.

Sometimes people get a bit shy when taking these tarot leaps. They’re not written in a book somewhere, at least not verbatim, so they must be intrinsically sketchy or wrong. That’s not the case at all, and finding tarot in your real life is, in my experience, the quickest way to make the cards sing in your readings.

How have you incorporated periods of rest, pause, or reflection in your tarot practice? In what ways have the cards evolved or appeared in your own experiences? I’d love to hear your stories below.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 27-June 2

We have a clear and beautiful reading for our week ahead, though I'm sure many of us are feeling apprehensive with the Three of Swords as our final card. 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

We have a clear and beautiful reading for our week ahead, though I'm sure many of us are feeling apprehensive with the Three of Swords as our final card. 

A wise tarot reader practice is to always start with the most difficult card. Our attention is there already, and skirting around it only builds tension. Not to mention we're unlikely to pay attention to what comes before when we wait for the dreaded shoe to drop.

So I'll start with the Three of Swords first, though in this case the sadness it represents isn't dropping in a harsh or dramatic fashion. We have some cushioning here, most notably in all the hard work we've done to show up for ourselves. It's our job this week to muster all our care, curiosity, and protective force on our own behalf when difficult emotions arise. 

It's an ideal situation: giving ourselves the respite we need when things get hard. And what wisdom can we gain when we let our upsetting Three of Swords moments get solace from our brilliance and nurturing?

Now, onto this bold card. Many can guess what it means, but this enigmatic and punchy illustration has a lot of nuance. So, for those of you reading who aren't in the grips of an emotional crisis, fear not. Like the clouds pouring rain in the background, the feelings represented in the Three of Swords have all the varying intensity of weather. It rains, it pours, and sometimes it just sprinkles. 

There's also an interesting facet of this card in that sometimes the smallest slight or misfortune can awaken huge recesses of doubt, grief, or confusion. One sword can feel like three piercing your heart and the storm seems endless. Seeing these moments for what they are can curtail a sense of panic and fear. Sometimes we need to let it all out, and a small moment gives us that opportunity. 

Whether we're dealing with a minor emotional storm, a moment of upset, or a deeper struggle, we have incredibly good company  this week. The Queen of Pentacles is holding down the center of this reading and, like her, we're being encouraged to hold space for ourselves and all our emotions with the dedication and dignity of a true ruler.

As a Queen in tarot, she's not interested in ruling over. I think of these characters as stewards - noble caretakers familiar with and respectful of all aspects of their terrain. So what happens when things get stormy? What does it mean to be the protector, expert, and loving steward of our emotional self? We draw in our resources, care for ourselves with all our patience and love, and know that it will pass.

It's a wonderful match for the restless, analytical energy of the Swords. This Queen instructs us to ground ourselves in daily life, making room for our "negative" or challenging emotions within these stable structures. We must stick by our routines, continue our meditation practices, make ourselves healthy and nourishing meals, even if we don't feel good or up to the task. We can also give ourselves space, gathering our resources around us to gain strength. We do these things for a reason and, like this Queen, part of us knows that the saving grace is in the little things.

Speaking of which, this reading isn't all about sticking steadfastly to routine in the face of spiky emotions. What's a Queen without a crown or a flowing set of robes? Similarly, we might want to try to interject some splendor and majesty into these daily rituals. Feather our nest, care for our bodies in a decadent way. Doing these things can show us how much we value ourselves, a self-coronation of sorts, and doing this when we feel down is especially moving and powerful. 

Because we're not flailing in the wind here. The Four of Wands that started this reading off shows us getting back to the basics. No the basic ideas of the swords or the basic physical needs of the pentacles, but the basic actions of the wands. Sometimes uncovering what's essential to us - what we must do to fulfill ourselves - kicks up some existential panic. Cue the Three of Swords. Yet in this case we're prepared, loving, and ready to step in and give ourselves what we need. 

This week is a time to do as the Queen of Pentacles would do: Be a steward to your tough emotions, create as cozy and supportive a home for your feelings as you can, and get back to the basics of what you truly need to feel alive and your true self. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 20-26

Can ambition and peace coexist? We certainly don't get many stories that reflect this situation. Usually, ambition appears as a single-minded crusade of sorts, a headlong and determined walk towards greatness. Sure, there may be some pitfalls along the way, but only ones that bolster the larger arc of growth. No matter how much slogging the hero endures, they end up on top, all the richer. 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

Can ambition and peace coexist? We certainly don't get many stories that reflect this situation. Usually, ambition appears as a single-minded crusade of sorts, a headlong and determined walk towards greatness. Sure, there may be some pitfalls along the way, but only ones that bolster the larger arc of growth. No matter how much slogging the hero endures, they end up on top, all the richer. 

It's also a pretty exhausting narrative. Struggle equals success. We'll sleep when we're dead. Sure sounds healthy, doesn't it?

This week's reading might, at first glance, seem like the same old story. The peace of The Star is giving away to the ambition of The Chariot. In other words, the time for rest is over, and no we have to grab the reins and get going. 

But who's this in the center? A minor arcana card, and a mysterious one at that: The Seven of Pentacles.

This is where the plot thickens. This card can often represent re-evaluation and dissatisfaction; that phase in a journey when we're not sure what we've done or if anything is working or worth it. A classic mini crisis of faith. 

I see this card as an endearing human interjection. This week we'll be wrestling with our old stories of success. What can we have? How can it look?

In this card, we see ourselves hemming and hawing after making quite a bit of headway. Suddenly, the old ideas come back: we can't enjoy rest and success at the same time, right? It can't feel good and be good, that would just be too easy or, worse yet, a sign we're not working hard enough.

I love how the doubt and stalling of the Seven of Pentacles is sandwiched by two magnetic Major Arcana cards, as if these concerns are  happening on a much less important plane. If we're to rise to their level, we have to accept that we can write our own stories and decide what our own definition of success looks like.

This is where The Chariot has more to say. After all, what card combines opposites in a more powerful way? You'll notice the two sphinxes in the foreground, illustrated in alternating patterns of black and white. Bringing seeming opposites together is what drives the chariot itself forward. In this way, we're being presented an opportunity to mesh together the care and consideration of The Star with the vision and adventure of The Chariot.

To bring this all back down to earth, these cards are encouraging us to remain dedicated to all the practices, big and small, that give us a sense of peace, healing, and greater meaning. The Star's approach is not one for us to abandon right now, rather it's something to bring with us on whatever journey towards success we're embarking on. It's just up to us to remember how much we can shape and choose its path. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 13-19

We have a nice and uplifting forecast for the week ahead. It's not a time for intensity, hand-wringing, or choice fatigue, though if those are present in our lives (as they often are) we have these cards encouraging us to skip in another direction. And what direction might that be? One that points towards a passionate engagement with ourselves.

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

We have a nice and uplifting forecast for the week ahead. It's not a time for intensity, hand-wringing, or choice fatigue, though if those are present in our lives (as they often are) we have these cards encouraging us to skip in another direction. And what direction might that be? One that points towards a passionate engagement with ourselves.

The Lovers is a card few people would turn down. The name, the imagery - it's all delightful and carries a romantic overtone that's often missing in everyday life. But who says that has to be the case? As a major arcana card, The Lovers also asks us to elevate our understanding our our situation. Is something boring, quotidian, or frustrating really all it seems?

Even more excitingly, this powerhouse card is followed by the Ace of Swords and the Queen of Cups. I've often written how The Lovers, in addition to romance, deals with the theme of choice. Here, we have two cards that often get stuck at opposite ends of a spectrum: The intellectual breakthrough of the Ace of Pentacles and the intuitive expertise of the Queen of Cups. This week, however, our real choice is between engaging in old routines that uphold this false dichotomy and reaching for something wilder, bigger, and yet-unexplored.

In other words, it's time to go for it. Now, whatever that 'it' is will vary for each of us, but common themes will be that it seems somehow too radical, too much, and too romantic. We might find ourselves thinking that the seed of a new idea - The Ace of Pentacles - can't coexist with a peaceful and emotionally integrated self. Or that being practical necessitates sacrificing our more soft, spiritual side. 

The Lovers says, with loving candor, that that's all utter ridiculousness. If we don't choose our higher path, one that says all parts of us belong together and that we can fashion something authentic out of our unique selves, how can we say with any certainty what's possible? 

This card also tends to appear during pivotal moments of expansion - times when we break from the pack to do our own thing. At first this can seem foolish and risky, but, as major arcana cards emphasize, we only need to answer to ourselves. In other words, when making big moves like this it's key to prioritize our own opinions, desires, and instincts. 

In this case, we have both the exhilarating newness of an idea and the mature self-possession of the Queen of Cups. What magic can we create with this combination? Something truly singular and toe-curling, that's to be sure. So take the next step, trust yourself, and dare to move ever so slowly (or quickly) into the wild future you'd like to build. 

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Vulnerability + Tarot Readings

One of the surprising parts of attending the Readers’ Studio tarot conference this past week was that it involved lots of hands-on tarot practice. During each master class we’d all swap readings with each other, testing out our new techniques.

As a professional tarot reader, I don’t often find myself on the other side of the table. If I need a reading, I’ll often give one to myself (hey, it’s quite convenient!), so it was humbling and eye-opening to be on the receiving end.

One of the surprising parts of attending the Readers’ Studio tarot conference this past week was that it involved lots of hands-on tarot practice. During each master class we’d all swap readings with each other, testing out our new techniques.

As a professional tarot reader, I don’t often find myself on the other side of the table. If I need a reading, I’ll often give one to myself (hey, it’s quite convenient!), so it was humbling and eye-opening to be on the receiving end.

And here’s what really struck me:

Getting your cards read by another person is a very vulnerable experience.

Your questions, dreams, issues and more are all out on the table. And how often do we find ourselves the sole object of attention in our lives? You certainly do in a tarot reading! The space is all for you to unravel and explore whatever’s on your mind.

It’s healing, powerful, and much different that our usual mode of communicating “in real life.”

As the conference progressed I touched on many of the central questions in my life right now with multiple people. It was fascinating to see how this contact - getting ideas that are normally trapped in my head - transformed my thinking. Stuck areas started feeling ligter. My brain was moving in interesting new directions, and my emotions and body, too.

So if you find yourself receiving a tarot reading or are curious to try one, know that while it might feel intense at first to be on the spot, doing so with a trusted friend or expert is a beautifully transformative experience. It certainly was for me.

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Tarot Reflections Gina Wisotzky Tarot Reflections Gina Wisotzky

Reclaiming Sensuality with The Pentacles

The Pentacles often get a bad rap. Pigeonholed into matters of finance and career (they are also called coins, after all) these cards quickly become stagnant and stale. Where’s the romance? The passion? The adventure?

Yet the Pentacles have a hidden side, on that’s not always brought to light in tarot books. You might be surprised to hear that, of all the suits, I see the Pentacles as the most erotic of the bunch.

Sensuality and Sexuality in Tarot Hand in Milk Bath with Flowers

The Pentacles often get a bad rap. Pigeonholed into matters of finance and career (they are also called coins, after all) these cards quickly become stagnant and stale. Where’s the romance? The passion? The adventure?

Yet the Pentacles have a hidden side, on that’s not always brought to light in tarot books. You might be surprised to hear that, of all the suits, I see the Pentacles as the most erotic of the bunch.

“What?” you might say. “Not the phallic wands or juicy cups?!” (Note: I strongly doubt anyone would peg the analytical swords as lush romantics! Sorry, swords.)

To get into my mindset, it’s important to remember that Pentacles are associated with the element of earth. It governs the everyday, the material… the physical. And how do we engage with the physical world around us? Through our senses, our bodies, and our presence.

This means that the Pentacles govern the feeling of the wind on our faces, a lover running their fingers along our skin, the taste of a delectable fresh peach, and the smell of an intoxicating perfume. Just look at the imagery in these cards. There’s depictions of work and labor, yes, but also characters fully feeling themselves.

Take the King of Pentacles and the Nine, for example:

Minors Pentacles King.jpg
Minors Pentacles 09.jpg

These cards show figures unabashedly sure of themselves, luxuriating in life. Taken to the extreme, these traits can become wasteful, but at just the right level they acquaint us with our true power, presence, and capacity for pleasure.

Becoming aligned with our physical self aligns us with our connection to the world around us. What does this feel like? What does my body have to say? What feels good to me and what makes the people around us feel good?

How can we be aware and take joy in the riches around us if we’re not aware of the riches in ourselves and our bodies?

I see this group of cards as an invitation to take our pleasure seriously as well as to look for pleasure all around us. It doesn’t have to be through sexual eroticism alone. There’s plenty of sensuality in all aspects of life and, as these cards demonstrate, tapping into it makes life so much more lush, joyful, and satisfying.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 6-12

Well, my friends, it looks like this reading is quite gory, visually speaking! 

Artist Ricardo Cavolo's illustration of the Nine of Pentacles is, to be frank, pretty gross. Why choose an open wound to illustrate a card traditionally associated with abundance and plenty? 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

Well, my friends, it looks like this reading is quite gory, visually speaking! 

Artist Ricardo Cavolo's illustration of the Nine of Pentacles is, to be frank, pretty gross. Why choose an open wound to illustrate a card traditionally associated with abundance and plenty? 

It's a lot to meditate on, particularly when the grisly theme continues with a blindfolded King of Swords committing seppuku. You know, just some light Monday messages to contemplate...

Yet this reading, despite its visceral nature, came across loud and clear: While oftentimes our old wounds are the wellspring of our unique gifts, there's a huge difference between honoring this connection and obsessing over it to the point of self-limitation and injury.

This is a time to let the reality of our lives ground us and lead us forward and to put aside the destructive urges of our minds. We've been hurt in the past, yes, but our future is unfolding now and not all of our actions spring from the hardship we've endured.

The King of Swords, the utmost monarch of the suit, is adept at using thought to create clarity. But sometimes we can only get so much clarity out of life. If we stay in the realm of the swords too long, we prioritize analytic remove over actual day-to-day involvement. What comes of this? Isolation, stagnation, and self-doubt. 

Over thinking distances us from the movement and rhythm of life, a dance that leads us towards the answers we're seeking. It's not a view we can achieve from the top-down, safe in the hypothetical or the tempting certainty of the past. We have to get our hands dirty and accept that seeking fulfillment leaves no room for invulnerability. We're all living and breathing creatures and we can't go through life completely unscathed. 

In this sense, this nasty Nine of Pentacles in reassuring. If we're feeling tender and bruised, it's not because we're failing. Rather, we're showing up and seeing ourselves - all the contours of our experience, even the painful ones. And that is a high achievement, indeed.

What to do from here? The Star tells us we have to love ourselves even more, and make room for a life of plenty that also feels exposed, tenuous, or too much at times. Nothing needs to change for us to be here with ourselves.

The King of Swords represents our urge to over-analyze ourselves at any moment of conflict, struggle, or indecision. Instead of seeing these times as a natural facet of life, the King reacts to them as threats to stability. Thus, the wide-open plenty of the Nine of Pentacles becomes an invitation to turn our swords on ourselves. 

Are we feeling raw, excited, eager, a bit nervous about what we're moving towards? The King of Swords wants the answers now, and to him this is a scary threat to stability. Cue the self-doubt and criticism. Instead of accepting tenderness, this King is using it as an opening to harm the self: If we can't do it perfectly and with perfect knowledge, we shouldn't even try at all.

The Star is here to tell us that this is completely unnecessary and over the top and this reading gives us a wonderful alternate course. It's not a time to take our thoughts of worry and doubt with absolute seriousness. What if we could tell ourselves that we're doing our best and it's working out well?

Having a lot of feelings means that we're opening up to feeling life itself. We're already doing a wonderful job and now is a time to stay grounded in the beauty of our everyday lives, letting its rhythms and routines move us forward, instead of abandoning our path because it's not what we envisioned. 

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