Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 3-9

This week's forecast shows a lovely and welcome breakthrough. Whenever we see The World we can be sure that the clouds are parting and welcome, joyous perspective is on the way. 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

This week's forecast shows a lovely and welcome breakthrough. Whenever we see The World we can be sure that the clouds are parting and welcome, joyous perspective is on the way. 

Our experience of The World is deeply connected to the suit of cups, a truly beautiful combination. 

It's a time to let our relationships propel us towards new horizons. What is it about another person - romantic partner, friend, or new acquaintance - that allows us to dream bigger?

Coming into contact with others shows us how the world can be different. We can observe new habits, outlooks, beliefs, personality traits, and often what we're most enamored with is something we'd like to cultivate within ourselves.

This is a week to reach out and revel in the connections that spring forth naturally. The Two of Cups is a very genuine card. We're drawn to those who make us feel good. It's as simple as that.

(Or, to be a bit snarky, we're healthily drawn to people that feel good! Other attractions do not apply in this reading ;)

How do we know this? Well, in addition to the Two of Cups' positive meaning, this card is paving way for The World in our reading. That is, spending time with people who lift us up and inspire us will quite literally broaden our horizons.

Stay alert for new and exciting opportunities, collaborations, and unexpected growth.

When we have cups and The World in a reading, it's a sure sign that our intuition and instincts are humming along with beautiful efficiency. Crippling doubt, over-planning, and needless anxiety can all be cordially dis-invited from this party! There's a strong current of joy and expansion that's more than capable of sweeping us away from these stagnant old places.

Fascinatingly, the focus on community and relationship in the Two of Cups is awakening an inner sense of direction. Collective connection is leading to personal realizations. 

In looking to others, we're uncovering a part of our own path that's eager and ready for exploring. Cue the Knight of Cups.

Again, a fun theme here is a lack of practicality and foresight. We're playing with the powerful energy of The World, so we don't need to worry about shirking our duties or causing trouble for ourselves. We can handle this and it's high time for some creative adventure.

Look to the Knight of Cups for clues as to what you want to explore. Though, in all likelihood, you won't need to do much searching. The Knights are a determined and energetic bunch. You probably have an idea about what you'd like to bring into your life right now, so don't hesitate.

The suit, however, gives us some further direction. The Knight of Cups is the ultimate romantic of tarot. So, above all, this is a time to bring the dizzying, intoxicating, and poetic energy of romance into our lives. 

Not necessarily the romance of sexuality (though, if that's on the table, do enjoy yourself!), but an overarching romance: love for the world, its many futures, the sensuality of everyday life, the fun of living life as an adventure, seeing the mythic in the mundane. 

All of these cards harmonize so beautifully that there won't be much tension in these pursuits. Give yourself all the permission to treat your life like the most engaging fantasy novel and follow what flows naturally. It's leading us towards some lovely growth and we're in good company as we travel along.

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Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky Weekend Send-Off Gina Wisotzky

Weekend Send-Off: Festive Winter

Okay, okay - it’s technically still fall, but it sure feels like winter to me! Especially with all the holiday preprations and events happening. Speaking of which, for those of you in the triangle area, I’ll be at the Holiday Patchwork Market this Saturday & Sunday reading tarot and selling gift certificates, so be sure to stop by and say hello!

This week has been a beautiful array of readings, mentoring sessions, and preparation for the market. I even spruced up my display and got a snazzy new tablecloth. What can I say, I’m living large.


Okay, okay - it’s technically still fall, but it sure feels like winter to me! Especially with all the holiday preprations and events happening. Speaking of which, for those of you in the triangle area, I’ll be at the Holiday Patchwork Market this Saturday & Sunday reading tarot and selling gift certificates, so be sure to stop by and say hello!

This week has been a beautiful array of readings, mentoring sessions, and preparation for the market. I even spruced up my display and got a snazzy new tablecloth. What can I say, I’m living large.

Here are a few things that made my week shine… be sure to share yours in the comments below!

a preview of Cassandra Snow’s forthcoming book Queering the Tarot

Check out this essential, important magic before it hits the shelves in Spring!

This beautiful Tarot Embodiment on The Star at Tadpole Magic

Bri is an amazing writer, tarot reader, astrologer, and reiki practitioner who I’m lucky to know. This beautiful post showcases her deep insights - I can’t wait to see the rest of this series!

Repeat tarot card - none!

Even though I did a hefty batch of tarot readings this week there weren’t any big repeat cards - it seems like there’s a lot of diverse possibilities at work these days and, hey, I’ll take it!

listening, reading, watching

My daily ritual is to read in the early morning while sipping my coffee, enjoying the last hour of darkness before the sunrise. My latest book has been a nice moody match to this quiet time: The Witch of Lime Street: Seance, Seduction, and Houdini in the Spirit World by David Jaher.

It’s a fascinating romp through the heady period post WWI when the Spiritualist movement was being embraced by eminent figures such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (he legit went on a promotion tour across the states talking about spirit communication!) and questioned heartily by others, most notably Harry Houdini. It’s an immersive and well-paced work on historical nonfiction similar to The Devil in the White City and I highly recommend it.

And now, finally, our card for the weekend:

Minors Cups 02.jpg

Two of Cups

Message: See the beautiful and tender magic in every interaction. What do we see when we allow people to show up as themselves?

Embrace: Radical acceptance, romantic curiosity, budding friendships, all the wam & fuzzy feelings.

Let Go Of: Judgment, distraction, self-isolation.

Guidance: What wisdom does each person we meet have to share with us? How can we extend out curiosity and respect in our exchanges with others?

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 9-15

We walk into this week on the tail of a big conclusion whose consequences haven't left us quite yet. Endings are big and take up a lot of space, both mentally and emotionally. The Ten of Swords is a powerful card that shows both the pain and relief that comes when something has run its. It may not have become what we originally dreamed it would, but leaving it behind is still bittersweet. When things end we say goodbye both to the reality that came to be and the dream we held for the future that was never realized.

Weekly Forecast with the Victorian Romantic Tarot

We walk into this week on the tail of a big conclusion whose consequences haven't left us quite yet. Endings are big and take up a lot of space, both mentally and emotionally. The Ten of Swords is a powerful card that shows both the pain and relief that comes when something has run its. It may not have become what we originally dreamed it would, but leaving it behind is still bittersweet. When things end we say goodbye both to the reality that came to be and the dream we held for the future that was never realized.

And, as we've all experienced, this process is never linear. We rarely are able to waltz away from big endings and changes refreshed and rejuvenated, never to suffer their pains and doubts again. Instead, these feelings cycle through us. Like ripples through water, we experience reverberations long after the original disturbance.

Life, however, likes to pile things on top of each other. This week the pain of leaving something behind (rightly, I might add) is being replaced pretty quickly by the intoxication of a new connection. The Two of Cups shows us delighting in a new companion. This connection can be either romantic or platonic; however, whichever we experience will share the same tingling sensations of joy and anticipation. We've met someone wonderful! And this experience is infusing our world with a great deal of happiness and excitement.

Going from the dark, tidal experience of the Ten of Swords to this effervescent delight is a big transition, to say the least. And so it's no surprise that The Devil is showing up as our final card. The beautiful newness of our relationships this week are providing a tempting an irresistible distraction.

Here, we can take The Devil two ways. Firstly, as we can see from this illustration of the archetype, The Devil is fun. It's hard to resist a figure leaning forward seductively holding jewels and flowers! In small doses, a little decadence and distraction are helpful in moving past the initial shock of the Ten of Swords. But The Devil is also terrible at moderation and this week we're walking a fine line between healthy recreation and harmful, mind-erasing overindulgence.

In this second scenario, The Devil's energy is tempting us to use our new joyful connection to soothe and stifle the pain still reverberating from the Ten of Swords. Since the Two of Cups is such a fresh, young energy this can be quite detrimental to the health of the relationships we're forming right now. In other words, we're smothering an alluring glimmer with the pressure to relieve ourselves of a nagging pain.

The Devil would rather we bypass the sticky and uncomfortable parts and have fun now, at any cost. This is an important time to carefully examine our usual coping mechanisms. Where are we rushing things and how are we covering up the difficult emotions we need to process?

This brings us back to the Ten of Swords. It will benefit us greatly to look at the source of our suffering. Sure, it might not be all flowers and jewels, but it has a lot to teach us right now. Doing so will help take some of the pressure off of the delightful connections we're forming at the moment and allow us to heal and better understand what's come before. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: February 26 - March 4

Mountain Dream Tarot Weekly Forecast Tarot Reading Three of Swords Tower

Processing our emotions can get complicated, especially when it comes to the sticky ones. Sadness, grief, regret, disappointment - all of these don't match up with the indefatigable optimism we're supposed to embody. We're taught to embrace a positive spin to the point that we gloss over these feelings, wanting to seem put together, wise, or "evolved," whatever that means. 

As a result, we have the unfortunate tendency to hide these feelings, sometimes from our selves, and especially from others. We can see this in the intense solitude of the Five of Cups where a person is facing towards a trio of spilled cups. Yes, we do need personal time to process our feelings, but remaining fixed in this state and cut off from outside support and help leaves us isolated. Instead, once the dust has settled, we could connecting with others, lifting our eyes from the hurt  and seeking comfort and a new path forward.

In this reading, the Five of Cups, a mournful card showing the immediacy of loss, transitions almost seamlessly into the loving connection of the Two of Cups. It's as if the clouds in the Five have cleared away to reveal a velvety expanse of night sky. We can find community in our sticky feelings - commiseration, inspiration, and love - if we just reach out for it. A dark hour is also a time when stars can shine brightly. 

This week carries a deep undercurrent of personal processing. We're looking to our past to address current feelings of loss or grief. This can come at many different levels - either something smaller reminding us of a past loss or having to contend with something upsetting in the here and now. We come into this week with a full knowledge of the situation, so there's no need to wait for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes even the change of the seasons has us reflecting back to what happened at this time in years past. That horizon stretches far back, but it doesn't go nearly as far as the wide open infinity of the night sky.

We have to turn around and contend with our present to get to the community and connection of the Two of Cups. We have this bravery in spades and are using it. These small acts of reaching out are important and require us to be vulnerable. Recognizing this and being proud of our courage is an important part of navigating this tricky terrain. When we do this we're saying, "I've had enough of just processing these feelings alone, who else is out there?" And just looking at this central card highlights the beauty of friendship. There are people waiting to gently direct our eyes to the sky when we're tempted to look at our spilled cups.

This doesn't mean glossing over or "pepping up" our complicated feelings. The Hermit shows us that connecting with others - sharing our difficult emotions - is giving us the guidance to truly understand them. The introspection of The Hermit is much deeper and aligned with our personal development. We still need that sacred time alone to navigate our feelings, but with the guidance of The Hermit we're traveling to new and unexpected places. At the root of our emotions is an important truth and we need our friends, family, lovers, and support network to help direct us there. Sometimes we can't see ourselves as well as they can. With their support we can find a different path to travel, lit not only by our past experiences, but by our greater goals and beliefs as well. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 10-17

Fountain Tarot 3 Card Reading

The full moon in Capricorn seems to have awakened some barely concealed energy. Why do I say barely? We have both the Empress and the King of Wands showing up in the first two positions of our spread. These two cards arrive on the scene completely connected to their own power, talent, and vision. 

To put it simply, this is a week where sensuality and action come together seamlessly.

At the root of all the comings and goings is a deep connection to ourselves. The Empress isn't a card wrapped up in the conceptual. She lives and breathes in the reality of lived-in, daily life. 

The way the Empress sees things, this is the most magical space to inhabit. To her, reality as we experience it contains all the inspiration and sacred energy we need. The realm of the senses - what we can touch, see, smell,  taste, and hear - is the direct expression of something greater.

This is a time to revel in our perceptions and experiences of the world. We're being urged to pay attention to how we feel, more particularly, how our bodies feel as we interact with what's around us. 

It's a delicious, stop-and-smell-the-roses attitude towards life. No moment is too small or too fleeting - the feel of the sun on our faces, the ground beneath our feet, or the sound of a bird flying by. We can find joy around us at all times and in abundance.

This foundation of awareness will grant us a wealth of self-confidence and stability. Framing our experience in our bodies - we're at the center of everything we encounter - allows us to bypass the at times anxious and stifling filter of our thoughts. 

This week we're being asked to engage with the feeling of knowing rather than the thought of knowing what's right. Listening to our instincts, following the feeling in our stomachs, hearts, feet will bring us to new and exciting places.

So now that we're really feeling ourselves where are we headed? Fostering self connection and paying attention to the joys of being alive is propelling us towards the King of Wands, a proactive, powerful, and dynamic card.

When we feel at one with ourselves and the world we are able to leap forward and embrace actions that reflect innate truths about ourselves. We're going to have no shortage of energy this week, nor inspiration. I like to think of these two cards as a representation of the marriage between our wild and natural self and our creative self.

Think (and feel) about what is an important next step. What's calling to you that you'd like to leap into wholeheartedly? This is not a time for doubt or trepidation. We've got this. 

Excitingly enough, it looks like we're not going to be pursuing these dreams alone. The Two of Cups shows the beginning of an important union. Someone is coming onto the scene after being attracted by our vim and vigor. 

This partnership will be formed around the creative leaps and bounds we're taking and, in addition to being inspiring will also have a lovely and tender side: mutual support in the birth of a new venture.

And what a beautiful progression of images: the lush growth in The Empress moving towards the sun-like rays of inspiration in the King of Wands. All leading to the celestial expansion and companionship of the Two of Cups. We're going to be exentding all the way from the ground to the heavens, looking at a beautiful starry sky of possibility. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: February 6-12

Tarot reading with The Wild Unknown Tarot

Well, the Tarot is being delightfully cheeky in these cards this week. Looks like love is in the air in the days leading up to Valentine's. Yes, you’ve got it right, this week has us feeling zesty and romantic.

Rather than coming from a place of neediness, these cards outline the culmination to a crash-course in empowerment. There's something in it for all of us, from the hopelesss romantics to those more excited about the deeply discounted candy on the 15th. 

We’ve been practicing self-care for a while now, and as we all know, it doesn’t always come easily. But look what’s coming out of it all! The sensuality that is emerging in the next few days is springing from the most natural of sources: ourselves.

While it may be easy to dismiss pleasure and enjoyment as unnecessary or silly (particularly when it’s centered around ourselves) it’s certainly not conducive to a vibrant life. Who wants to be constantly questioning their joy? Being humble is all well and good, but not when we use it to hide our accomplishments from the world.

The Mother of Wands (aka Queen of Wands) who tells us that we’re not coasting into this week on a cloud of puffed up ego. This sense of security and confidence? It’s genuine and well-earned.

 A Queen sits on a throne that gives her a solid foundation and represents her power. Spend some time considering what your throne is made of this week. Get to know its contours and feel how stable it is. Appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to build it. This is where you are right now – where would you like to go next?

The Mother of Wands is a card that’s all about feeling yourself, with a real focus on the feeling. Now is not a time to get caught up in our heads or bogged down by practicalities. Embrace the general air of romance and you’ll find a wealth of enjoyment all around you. This can be overtly romantic or not. Just think effusive, blossoming, and pleasurable.

Yes, I’m telling you to get sensual. There’s an abundance of sexual energy in the air, so revel in it. Enjoy yourself, your partner, a delicious pastry, a decadent bath… this could go so many ways. And don’t feel the need to limit yourself! I certainly won’t.

All this confidence is building on itself to create a prime environment for coming together. Our central card is the Two of Cups, an overtly romantic card if there ever was one. Once again, however, don’t let this message leave you feeling excluded if you’re couple or simply not feeling a romantic attachment for whatever reason. In tarot and in life, romance can mean many things. At its most general, look forward to a delightful feeling of coming together and satisfaction between yourself and something (or someone) else.

We’re going to have no shortage of charisma this week. Now is a good time to appreciate and celebrate the hard work we’ve done on our own behalf. And it is definitely a time to engage with the world and be seen. This week has a great potential to forge new alliances and partnerships so get out there and show yourself off.

We end with Strength, a card that really reinforces a theme of coming into our own. Taking up the sense of stability we get from the Mother of Wands, Strength shows us that we’re actively embodying our true selves. When we put this kind of energy into the world we can attract what we need most back to us. This type of victory – our ability to enjoy our lives and ourselves – is hard won and something to be proud of.

Looking for a personalized tarot reading?

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: Nov 21-27

Cards from the Tarot del Fuego

Cards from the Tarot del Fuego


This looks bright and beautiful, doesn't it? The cards for this week show an unabashed blooming of emotion. It’s a lovely array to see as we go into this time of celebration and coming together.

Far from being trivial, this week is a moment where we are asked to see the greater imporrance of our relationships to each other. Who says that the warm and fuzzy parts of life come without depth? How can we respect our joy, nurture it, and take it seriously?

 I went to the grocery store yesterday and it was full of families shopping. Each cart was overflowing. Some people had piles of onions, others bags of sweetened coconut. What were they going to make with these ingredients? There were mothers and daughters, young families with toddlers, elderly couples. Everyone from the neighborhood seemed to be there.

 It was a beautiful scene, and I’m still smiling thinking about all us different, tender people cooking special dinners at the same time later this week. 

These three cards here show a similar situation. All the ingredients we’ve collected are coming together. It’s going to be a big, delicious feast - a glimmering thread of connection at a time when many bonds feel stretched tight.

We begin with the Two of Cups, a card of community, warmth, and emotion. It represents a lived-in feeling that boils down to the comforting truth we sometimes forget in our day-to-day lives: Loving each other is no small miracle.

Great beauty comes from something as common as dirt. The relationships we cultivate can blossom into something beautiful. All the things we do for each other, all the little moments, are how we nourish relationships like watering the seed we’ve planted. This takes time and consideration.

Now, however, is the time of blooming. It’s not subtle. It’s gaudy and bright and unabashed. It’s time to celebrate what we have - each other.

The eight of wands, the ultimate card of action and happenings, tells us to embrace our joy this week. To show our care for each other through emphatic actions. In short, now is not a time to be stingy with our love and happiness.

Sometimes it’s easy to tamp down our enthusiasm in the name of moderation. We don’t’ want to be too loud or maybe we’re somehow afraid of inviting disaster. This feeling shows up in the somewhat apocalyptic storm raging outside of the castle in the eight of wands.

Yet when we look to the center of the castle where there are no flames or marauding bolts of lightning, we see that a heart lies buried underneath. This tells us that a solid foundation is one built on love. We cannot go wrong if we focus our energies here, instead of overextending ourselves in rickety towers.

And where does this bring us? The final card, Temperance, shows us a gorgeous vision of unity. It's not the collected, organized vision of unity we might expect. This card is not about control and certainty. It’s about being calm, centered, and an undeniable part of an unpredictable, diverse world full of beauty.  

Let’s keep Temperance in mind in the days to come. I believe that we end this reading on a major arcana card for a reason. The bustle of our lives, our routines, our relationships all have the potential to take us to a deeper place. Temperance shows us how being one with the world awakens us to our inner divinity. 

As we come together this week – visiting family, cooking, drinking, doing dishes – we elevate the everyday routines into rituals that celebrate the specialness of our love for each other. That's a world I want to be part of. 

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