Notes from a Tarot Reader: On Tarot & Time

Time Tarot Reading with Clock

When we get tarot readings we often want to know exactly when all the messages in the card will show up in our lives.

The temptation for certainty is real. If I’m asking about my love life, I’m probably secretly hoping to hear that I’ll meet someone special soon.

And when emotions run high? Details are even more alluring. For example, I’m sick of my job and the cards suggest that a new job opportunity might be heading my way. Well does that mean next week or in a month or two?

I’m feeling stressed and impatient, I want answers now!

It’s funny, really. We often look to tarot to shake us out of our regular patterns of thinking. When our favored methods of analyzing fall short the evocative world of the cards looks wise and promising. But what do we do when we get there? We expect logical, analytical, and specific answers.

Sometimes we get frustrated with tarot for the very traits that we seek it out for.

Certainty, set dates, and specific timelines? Tarot doesn’t speak that language. It does, however, show us what energies are most powerful and how we can move forward when we embrace them.

In other words, if we’re looking for a new approach we’d better be prepared for new ways of thinking.

In my approach, I view time and Tarot as occasional friends. They might get together for coffee once in a blue moon, but they don’t spend every waking moment together.

We must learn to read between the lines when looking for timeframes in our tarot readings, and when times does show up it’s in a much more diffuse and flexible form: energies, tendencies, and trends rather than deadlines, dates, and guarantees.

Below are some things you can look for in your tarot readings to get a grasp of the timeframe. And remember, follow your intuition and keep a flexible outlook. You might be surprised by what you find.


1.     Major vs Minor Arcana

Look at the outcome positions in your spread. Are they major arcana cards or minors? Majors tend to depict larger events unfolding that usually have to do with personal development. These cards tend to show events that take longer while Minor Arcana cards come to pass more quickly.

2.     Numbers

In Minor Arcana cards, look to the numbers. Smaller numbered cards depict earlier stages of a cycle while larger numbers show the end stages. In readings, the card itself depicts a leg on the journey; however, its number shows us how many more stages are left before the cycle is completed.

For example, say we have the Three of Pentacles. This tells us that the querent will soon be collaborating on a project. The project itself, however, is relatively new, and it will be some time before it reaches its full potential (X of Pentacles.)

3.     Immediate Cards

There are some cards in the deck that quite simply depict immediate actions and events such as The Tower, the Eight of Wands, and the Aces. Other cards such as The Wheel of Fortune and Death indicate that a change is arriving soon.

4.     Long Term and Rest Cards

Then there are tarot cards that indicate slower paced action or periods of rest such as the Four of Swords, the Four of Cups and The Hanged Man. Cards that depict journeys also tend to take longer to play out such as the Five and Eight of Cups and The Hermit.

5.     Seasonal Cards

As I mentioned in my Tarot Cards for Spring post, some cards have a distinctly seasonal vibe. In my practice, I look at the suits as the seasons: Wands for Spring, Cups for Summer, Pentacles for Fall, and Swords for Winter.

In the Major Arcana, I see The Fool as Spring, The Empress as Summer/Early Fall, and The Hermit as Winter.

How about you? How do you see time depicted in the tarot? What cards do you see as long term and short term cards? Share your ideas in the comments below.

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast pt. II: A Lovey-Dovey Follow Up

The Lovers Fountain Tarot Card

Yesterday was one of those days when the cards had a lot to say. It's exhilarating when a reading speaks on so many levels. There was so much going on! Two majors! The same Ace from the week before! I found myself struggling to stay within the limits I set for the weekly forecasts. As I'm sure you've noticed, I can get carried away and I like to jump right into deep subjects.

This latest reading was pretty hard to resist.  I was also very moved by the continuing message that transformation and clarity can come from the unexpected. I love how the tarot makes room for the gifts and difficulties that come with change, and so I focused in on that theme. And it definitely gave us a heaping dose of wisdom for the week.

But there was a striking visual connection between the cards that suck in my mind, one that moved us away from change and towards the transformative power of The Lovers. I woke up this morning with it on my mind and I’d like to jump in and share that with you all today. After all, who says a forecast has to be just one post?

Tarot cards have many ways of speaking to each other that go far beyond any “set” meanings you can find in a book. Context, symbols, and history all have a say in how we interpret readings.

And then there’s the illustrations. I love how images relax us and invite our imagination and intuition to come out and play. The Fountain Tarot is an especially intuition-friendly deck. The ethereal paintings, colors, and compositions seem to present the perfect atmosphere for our minds to relax and let our inner wisdom work its magic.

What really grabbed me about yesterday’s reading were the vertical lines appearing in each card. The Fountain depicts a gorgeous, swirling universe with a ray of light emanating from the center, The Ace of Swords is divided by a… giant sword of course, and The Lovers shows a sliver of light shining at the point where a couple is joining hands.

I find this thread of connection so moving and tender. My initial notes on the reading were, “opening up & expanding our ideas of love.” That is, using the clarity of The Ace of Swords to illuminate the doorways love opens for us both interpersonally (The Lovers) and universally (The Fountain.)

The readings lately have been showing a persistent theme of moving beyond limiting ideas and absolute thinking. To see opportunities in places we’re trained to see setbacks. That maybe the most surprising thing is to realize that our experiences aren’t what we were told they’d look like.

I see this possibility so beautifully represented by these rays and lines of light. We might traditionally see a line as a point of division or a cut into something we assume should be whole. A line is a division, yes, but it is also a space. Something we can widen and walk through. Is this a representation of how difference and change bring us new opportunities? I think so.

Seeing this dividing light in The Lovers is especially interesting. Aren’t lovers supposed to be coming together as one? Is this ray of light separating them? Of course, with the positive meaning of the card and the soothing, beautiful colors, we know this isn’t the message.

 In my mind, this is a complex and moving representation of how love brings together separate entities who, in nurturing their love for each other, open up a new path. Only by honoring their differences, choosing each other, and loving one another as two unique, whole people are they able to illuminate and expand their lives.

What’s more, the ray of light in The Lover’s is a smaller version of the one in The Fountain, suggesting that the love we share with others reflects the love and possibility in the universe around us. Ah, what beautiful stuff. I like to imagine what will happen next: The Lovers standing up and walking through the doorway they have created together. What a wonderful direction to be moving toward this week. Where is our love surprising us and what new places will it take us if we choose to follow it?

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How to Get out of Your Head when Reading Tarot

Cards from the Fountain Tarot

Cards from the Fountain Tarot


Whether you're a seasoned pro or a tarot newbie, it's easy to get stuck in a rut with reading tarot, especially if you're doing a lot of reading for yourself. If you're anything like me, you may find yourself fixated on reading tarot "the right way." As I can personally attest, staying in your head and focusing on getting it "right" is the fastest way to cut yourself off from the magic of the cards.

Reading tarot is an intuitive practice that requires a special headspace. You don't need to have a permanently furrowed brow and uber-serious dedication to the original meanings of any deck. (However, if this is your preference, go for it!) It may, however, limit what you're able to see in the cards.

Personally, I've found that the best readings allow plenty of space for the unexpected to pop up. This can be a message you may not directly see in the card's imagery or traditional meaning, but feel coming through nonetheless. As an intuitive tool, Tarot is meant to access parts of our minds that don't make logical sense. Maintaining total control actually stifles the potential of a reading.

Embrace the uncertainty and see what you can teach yourself about the cards. You may be surprised at what you find. A sense of play and exploration are actually essential to quality, insightful, and accurate readings. 

Here are my favorite ways to break free of the "doing it right" mindset:

1. Transition to a Different Headspace before Reading

Yes, I am telling you to ground/meditate/center before you read. Going into tarot readings for yourself or another person "cold turkey" is the perfect recipe for an overly-analytical reading. You're basically jumping straight into things without allowing your mind to transition into a different space. And I think we'd all agree that ideally our tarot readings should be different from a standard conversation.

This is a good time to mediate on your purpose for the reading and open yourself up to the meaning of the cards. It even helps to directly address your mind/thinking brain or whatever you'd like to call it. Direct your analytical thoughts to take the backseat and invite your intuition in. This can be done directly, through ritual, or simply through a brief meditation session. Do whatever feels best to you.

2. Step Outside of Yourself

Sometimes ego can take over a tarot reading without us even knowing it. Rather than read as yourself (or your idea of yourself) take the time to shift into a different headspace. If I'm reading for a client, I mentally shift gears, reminding myself that I am here to interpret the cards and transmit their readings. It's not about me, my ideas, or any of my ideas about what I think "should happen." Simply acknowledging this allows for more fluid, accepting readings that also honor the individuality of the querent. 

3. Set the Stage

Ritual and ambiance are an amazingly effective way of shifting the energy of a reading. Yes, those candles and crystals serve a purpose. You can get as woo as you want to with this, but I believe at the very minimum, taking the time to create a magical space for your reading results in more powerful readings. You get out what you put in. And who doesn't enjoy a little candlelight?

4. Be Playful

Yes, tarot can be fun! Run with things that pop up in readings. Do you see a story emerging? Does a figure remind you of a person or a story or event? A dream? A song? Follow it and see where it leads you. Don't give your mind time to cut your inspiration and excitement off. Often these seemingly random threads lead to powerful insights.

The magic of Tarot is that it uses the language of symbols to access our own subconscious. Taking the time to explore your client's or your own symbolic language is absolutely priceless. Explore why the color blue makes you sad or why The Fool's costume reminds you of a dress your mother wore. This is one of the fastest ways to move tarot out of the realm of pre-determined meanings and into a place of great personal transformation.  

5. Explore New Insights

With the last suggestion in mind, don't be afraid to incorporate these insights into your understanding of a card. This is how readers develop their own unique styles and deep reservoirs of tarot knowledge. The best advice I can give here is "if you can feel it, follow it." Does the Page of Cups make you feel a sadness about your relationship with a friend? You're probably on to something. Gently explore what it could mean to you and give it plenty of time to percolate. Just because it doesn't match up with a card meaning doesn't mean it's not valid. 


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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

How to Avoid Burnout when Reading Tarot for Yourself

                                        The typical aftermath of one of my personal readings

                                        The typical aftermath of one of my personal readings


Admittedly, I am a huge fan of long, windy, soul-searching readings. I can stay up all night laying out cards and really getting into it. This is how my mind works. I love to analyze, dive into the world of detail, and draw connections. But this is also a shortcoming, especially when reading for myself.

When I first started using tarot, I only dealt in these epic card-slinging sessions. It was fun, it was engrossing, and it also made my life seem muddy and confused after a while. Luckily, I've since learned many ways to incorporate tarot into my life in more productive and easily-digestible ways.  

Longform tarot is an experience that is best to linger over, savor, and let unfold over time. I've found that 10+ card readings often reveal their deepest insights long after the reading is over. In my personal practice, I'll do one a month do get a big picture take on my life and its currents. Add any extra of these "big picture" readings and I quickly find their meaning diuluted and diffuse. Plus, I'm not able to focus on the trickier aspects, say a card that just doesn't seem to connect, and pay enough attention to notice when its true meaning reveals itself in my life. (This is, in my opinion, the most magical part of Tarot.) 

Yes, time is a key ingredient. Advice I am always loathe to hear and have trouble following myself! The same things goes for readings about personal issues or big decisions. Keep drawing cards and you could find yourself quickly overwhelmed with information.

This can be seen in relationships readings when you are simply dying to know if you should/will get back together with your ex or any similar situation where the stakes feel high and you're highly invested in a particular outcome. Simply put, it's not wise to pile on cards. You might be burying the wisdom you most need at the moment. Alternately, you could be tempted to continue drawing cards until you get the message you want. Never a wise move, but it comes from a very human impulse. 

So how can you enjoy tarot for yourself without getting burnt out and bogged down with information? I've found that limting myself to one large general reading a month, plus medium readings around sticky situations, decisions, and changes works wonders.

If I were to distill my practice into some sort of guideline, it would be to give each topic one month to percolate. So I'll only read on one subject once per month. If I find it's still present later, I'll draw cards again. Luckily, the question has usually changed as my life has unfolded and the sitaution has evolved.

And my favorite antidote for personal-reading burnout? Supplementing my practice with small, lighthearted readings on creative and sometimes random topics. These usually come in the form of one-card-draws and help me flex my tarot muscles in new directions. I limit my time, usually going off my immediate first impression, and keep it simple. 


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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Behind the Scenes: How I Do Email Readings

Cards from Tarot del Fuego.

Cards from Tarot del Fuego.


I’ve written about email readings before. They’re the service I get the most questions about and they’re also one of my favorite ways to do tarot.

 Many people don’t realize that an insightful tarot reading is just a click away. And some are skeptical that the magic of tarot can translate over distance. While I’ve addressed these points and waxed poetic about my love of a good written reading here, I haven’t shared with you what an email reading looks like on my end.

Am I sitting in my pajamas? Am I copying and pasting from card meanings?

What a terrifying image! (Though my pajamas are cute, for the record.)

Here’s the truth: I spend the same amount of energy preparing for and conducting an email reading as I do for an in-person appointment.

So, without further ado, here’s a peek at my process.

Getting Ready

After I receive your order, I take a look at your question to see if it falls within my scope as a reader. (For more on this, see my Code of Ethics.) If everything looks peachy, I add it to the cue and start working – I’ll always send reading out within 3 business days of confirming your question.

Setting the Stage

I love waking up, making a cup of tea, and heading to my study to write email readings. I have a clear head and feel calm and focused in the mornings, and this is the energy I like to put towards tarot. I’m a sucker for ambiance and have lots of rituals to get in the best mindset: putting some zesty essential oils in my diffuser, lighting candles, and meditating to ensure I’m feeling calm and grounded. There might even be some crystals involved.

Diving In

Once I’m settled, I pull up your question and write it out on a small piece of paper. I like doing this to deepen my connection to you and what you’re seeking. l place the paper at the center of my desk and take a moment to meditate on your question until I feel ready to begin. Then I shuffle my deck (or decks) and start drawing cards.

After turning everything over, I spend a few moments taking everything in. This is the magical time when the reading starts to coalesce and speak to me. Once I’ve spent some time looking at the big picture, I start writing.

The Process

Writing out the reading is rather mysterious. I let the meanings of the cards and their relationships to each other flow as I keep your question at the forefront of my mind. I find that the process of writing allows for deep insights to come to the surface.

I like to keep this portion of the reading as uninhibited and inspired as possible - no spellcheck, no going back to make corrections. Once I’ve written everything out I’ll go over it for edits and see if anything needs elaborating or clarification.

Finishing Touches

Now the “reading” part is finished. I blow out my candles, say thanks to the cards, and start getting ready to send it off to you. I transfer the text to a beautiful template, add some extra frills, and voila! The reading is complete. I send it off and arrives as a pdf in your inbox. Now you have an insightful tarot reading you can revisit time and time again. 

Questions, comments, curiosity? Comment below or reach out here

Ready to experience an email reading for yourself? 

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

10 Questions Every Tarot Reader Must Answer

Cards: Il Meneghello's Soprafino Tarot

Cards: Il Meneghello's Soprafino Tarot


It's about time I sat down and added my take on these excellent questions from James Bulls at  Left-Hand Tarot. Get ready for a long one - this is an in-depth look at my tarot background and style. I hope it's illuminating, entertaining, and helpful for those considering me as a reader. For all you tarot readers out there, I would love to hear your responses! Link in the comments below so I can take a gander. 

Here we go...

1. Were you mentored, or were you self-taught?

I'm a self-taught reader through and through. When I first started exploring tarot at age 13, my studies consisted of staying up late in my bedroom with a deck and a copy of Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning. Many decks, books, and readings later I'm still constantly expanding my knowledge base and reading style.

Maybe other readers have had a similar experience, but when I started tarot I knew I was drawn to the vivid imagery and symbolism. And the magical and occult aura certainly attracted me like a moth to a flame. (Let's be real: I was an avid fantasy reader and semi-feral outdoor explorer. Tarot was inevitable.) But I was also very influenced by the academic, highly rational background I was raised in. So of course I had to approach tarot like a true scholar: by reading and studying intensely.

Luckily, over the years, my self-study has become much more flexible and intuitive. It certainly helps to get your nose out of the books and into real, dynamic readings. I suppose in that way I feel mentored by all the lovely people I've had the joy of reading for. 

2. Are you a psychic or a Tarot reader? 

I identify as a Tarot reader simply because my focus is exclusively on the cards. I don't offer any other services, spiritual or otherwise. In my personal life, I practice and learn other forms of divination (how could I resist) but don't include them in my business. My first love and the way that I can be of service to the world is tarot. Just typing that makes me very, very happy.

Now all this isn't to say that I don't believe in a psychic component in some readings. This energy can certainly pop up, but it's more like a butterfly landing on your head. A beautiful gift, but something unpredictable, which is why I do not advertise my services as psychic since I can't guarantee it will show up in any given reading. I can, however, guarantee that I will read the cards with true joy and a wealth of knowledge. 

3. Are your predictions accurate, and is accuracy important to you?

Aah, two of the tricksiest ideas about tarot in one question. Let's start with predictions. If you've browsed my site you'll notice that I make it very clear that I do not tell the future with my readings. It might be a little redundant, but hey, I'm enthusiastic on this point! Simply put: I do not believe that the future is set in stone. That's a rather creepy and static take on the world. What about free will? And we all know that life is a captivating and confusing tangle of events, feelings, people... I could really get philosophical here. I'm not going to tell anyone "x,y,z will happen." At most, my readings show currents and factors present in the seeker's life at the present moment. More like, "If you continue down this path, it is highly likely x,y,z could happen." Where they go from there is up to them. 

As for accuracy, I don't approach my readings with the goal of being spot-on. I find that doing this limits my intuition and focuses my attention away from the cards and into a more iffy, speculative zone. It's like going to school and obsessing so much about being "right" that you clam-up and stutter your answer to the class. I like to center myself around the cards and, better yet, draw my clients in to provide their interpretations and insights. That being said, I have gotten a lot of feedback about the accuracy of the readings. I'm perfectly happy that this is a byproduct of my approach and am touched that it helps my clients and makes them feel seen. It's a very magical part of tarot - the fact that in reading someone's cards you can learn so much about them without even asking a question. 

4. Is there anything you can't predict in a reading?

Why, yes, I'm glad you asked! (Though as I've mentioned I don't consider my readings truly predictive.)

I prefer not to work with yes and no questions because I feel like they are very limiting and oversimplify situations. 

Tarot is a flexible tool, so while I could technically work with many topics some don't match with my code of ethics

5. Do you use only Tarot, or are you multi-disciplinary?

I exclusively use tarot in my readings. It's my passion and area of expertise. I have yet to discover the limitations of tarot - there are so many places to go in any given reading! As for the future, who knows? If I feel like I've mastered one of the systems I practice, like pendulum work and tea leaf readings, I would feel comfotable offering it as a professional service. 

6. Is the message in the cards, or in your head?

I like this one.

For me, it's a little of both. I began my studies using the Rider-Waite-Smith system and it continues to be my old faithful and my north star. So when I use that deck and others based on it you could say that the message is in the cards. For example, say I pull the five of cups. Since I've studied and used the card, I have a wealth of meanings from learning the history of the deck and from personal practice. I always like to start my reading here. 

But that doesn't mean that I just tell you the meaning of the five of cups. While the structure of that deck underpins a lot of my interpretations, I also use my intuition to expand from these meanings. This is where the reading really coalesces and relates to the individual client. Using the other cards and my intuition, I'll interpret the card as it relates to your question specifically. In this way, the meaning is also in my mind.

7. Are you a priest or a fortune-teller?

Oowee! I can't say I could ever imagine introducing myself as a priest! Too many religious and hierarchical connotations there. In terms of meaning, however, I suppose I am more priest-like. I focus on the here and now, the connection between the spiritual/subconcious, and supportive guidance instead of commands. I'm not going to spread the cards out for a client and tell them about a definite future, nor am I going to hide behind a veil of esoteric mystery.

My approach is much more grounded, and I don't believe this makes it any less magical. Rather, the magic is in the experience shared between the reader and client. A good old mingling of the sacred and the mundane. And for the record, I prefer the term cartomancer 1) because it sounds amazing 2) because it describes exactly what I do - read tarot cards as a form of divination. 

8. Are you a fixer or a looker?

I'm definitely more of a looker. I don't believe it is my place to tell you how to live your life. I like to respect the autonomy and wisdom of my clients. It's my job to work with their questions and share with them how it's reflected in the cards. This also helps me maintain healthy boundaries as a reader and empower my clients to make the best choices for themselves, by themselves. 

That's not to say that my sessions ignore possible solutions. I believe that introspection without action leads to stagnation. I like to lay out possibilities and co-create options with clients. It's up to them which path they choose. 

9. Do you read for free, or for fee?

I read for fee, for sure, with a free reading as a giveaway once in a blue moon. Reading tarot is my pride and joy. I like to honor that by charging for the work and expertise that goes into each reading. 

10. Is there anything you won't predict in a reading?

Yes! The type of questions I won't read for:

Lotto numbers, questions about other people's beeswax (not my style!), medical & legal questions, locating missing items, and similar topics (i.e. when will I die? Am I pregnant? is he/she cheating on me?)  

I love delving into situations and topics, so if you're looking to explore lots of layers and nuance to uncover a point of clarity, I'm the woman for you. Straight-up predictions, yes or nos, and questions for other professionals, not so much. 

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Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky Notes from a Tarot Reader Gina Wisotzky

Notes from a Tarot Reader: Reversals

Cards in every direction via The Fountain Tarot

Cards in every direction via The Fountain Tarot


I wrote about ways to interpret card reversals earlier, but I left a little something out.

I’ll let you in on the secret: I don’t read with reversals.

You might think that seems shifty. Why write my suggestions for a reading style I don’t even practice? Well, the thing is, I first learned to read tarot using reversed cards. I’ve been around the block, so to speak.

But as my practice evolved and as I spent more time learning the deeper symbolism and history behind the cards I realized that reversals just aren’t for me.

One thing I love about tarot is how flexible it is. Once you learn the traditions behind the cards you can go in many different directions: Numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, divination, Hermeticism. I could go on.

For me, once I started down just a few of these paths I realized that I had a wealth of information to use in my readings. Plus, I found that I like the intuitive challenge of interpreting the direction or connotation of a card (negative or positive? Emerging or receding? Etc.) without reversals.

Many readers use reversals and I enjoy learning about their methods. They just aren’t for me. The beauty of tarot is each reader develops their own unique style. The form is constantly evolving.

And I’m far from a purist. I believe that variety and creativity only add to the magic of tarot. So I encourage you to explore the world of reversals. Take a peek, get to know the meanings, and, most importantly, see how it feels for you.

Love the clarity and excitement? Integrate it into your practice! Not feeling it? Take what you’ve learned and leave the rest.

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