Weekly Forecast: October 24-31

We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement.

And who thrives in these conditions? It’s the vivacious and capable Queen of Wands. Note what’s been changing in your life lately; sometimes the Wheel of Fortune shows a subtle gradation - a storm that gathers slowly and then unleashes its rain, leaving the land transformed afterwards.

What quiet messages have you been hearing lately? Whether they’re intriguing ideas flickering at the edge of your consciousness or alluring points of curiosity you’re just starting to explore, this week they’ll be coming into satisfying focus. What’s more, we’ll be feeling poised and ready to act on them.

In fact, as I look over at our cards, I’m struck by how direct they are, as if the Wheel of Fortune, once it stops spinning, spits us out onto a clear and fast track. This is definitely not a week to second guess ourselves or our good fortune. The Queen of Wands is a capable and energizing card and it tells us that we’re ready to make things happen in a way that’s both enjoyable and sustainable. In true wands fashion, the only thing that can slow us down is getting stuck in our heads.

So, if it feels good, exciting, and expansive - do it. Let yourself be at the center of attention, making decisions, and expressing yourself in any and all directions you feel called to. Remember, the court cards in tarot are the most responsible and experienced of their group. If you feel surprised in a change in your confidence or the support and admiration you’re receiving, don’t waste time second-guessing it. The wands have excellent instincts and thrive in doing, no card more so than this queen.

It’s worth exploring the changes that brought us here. What fog have you been stumbling through lately? And how might emerging on the other side give you the perspective needed to understand your confusion and any misgivings about the future? The Three of Wands shows us ending the week with a much better idea of our next step. Consider revisiting old projects or plans that have atrophied or stalled out. You may find a new jolt of inspiration that puts you back on track again.

The Three of Wands also invites us to rest for a moment, basking in the glow of our achievements. There’s plenty of time to work, hone our plans, and push forward. Be sure to pace yourself and let the power of the Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands sink in.

This week, embrace:

  • Change

  • Launching new projects

  • Public speaking & engagements

  • Organizing/inspiring/galvanizing groups

  • Refining plans

This week, avoid:

  • Second-guessing good luck, compliments, accolades

  • Ceding authority to others

  • Shrinking yourself to compensate for others’ insecurities

  • Rushing new ideas, projects, or relationships

Get creative:

  • Wheel of Fortune: This week, the Wheel of Fortune is more of a receding influence, which is helpful since this card can be extremely confusing! So, given that we have some extra perspective, take some time to revisit the big shifts in your life recently and how you were able to navigate them well. Coming out of the Wheel of Fortune and immediately into the Queen of Wands is no small feat. How has all the spinning smoothed and polished you like a rough stone in a rock tumbler? If you want to riff on this further, find a gloriously smooth stone and carry it with you as a reminder of your transformation.

  • Queen of Wands: Ah, this card! We can have so much fun with the Queen of Wands that I almost don’t want to limit us with a suggestion. So, here are some suggestionS! Go out dancing, pitch a wild and exciting idea, launch a passion project, make people swoon with your charisma. And while you’re at it, buy yourself a bunch of sunflowers.

  • Three of Wands: Put on your sturdiest shoes, go on a walk, and ask yourself gently: what’s the next step I need to take on a project I’m excited about?


Weekly Forecast: October 31 - November 6


Weekly Forecast: October 17-23