Weekly Forecast: April 23-29

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Knight of Cups The Magician Ten of Swords

This week is all about ease, expression, and unfurling. We're full of energy and passion that's being directed by a calm sense of wholeness. This is not a time to question, poke, or prod the good that's arriving. Deep down we know that we've been working hard  to invite this kind of energy into our lives. Now that it's here all we have to do is embrace it and let it work its magic.

The World appears as our first card, setting the stage with its visionary, harmonious nature. Here we're being asked to believe that we belong wherever we are. The World invites us to look beyond all the hats we wear as we shift through the many areas of our life. We do a lot navigating our responsibilities, relationships, and goals. What lies underneath all these roles? The World speaks to the deeper parts of ourselves that are always present in our lives. With The World we are at once wholly ourselves and wholly apart of everything around us. 

Having this awareness is no small task. Balanced on our ever-spinning globe we must come to the realization that life is always changing and we are always changing. What, then, remains constant? This is an excellent time to explore our true nature. What have we been learning about ourselves? What traits, beliefs, and ideas populate the center of our being? This card also suggests that we've been doing a lot of rewarding and difficult work. Now all the spinning parts are coalescing into something much more stable. It's worth taking a moment to acknowledge just how far we've come. 

The World also asks us to take a larger perspective and in doing so, liberate ourselves from any limiting ideas of who we are. Are we acting mostly as mothers, fathers, partners, helpers, workers? Which roles have been the most comfortable and which have chafed at us?

The World asks us to look beyond the labels we've accumulated. Perhaps there is something we've rejected that needs to find its way home and perhaps there's parts of our personalities that are ready to be shed, becoming part of ourselves only in the sense that they're now in our past. 

Having a good understanding of our shifts is allowing us to appear with pure and clear intentions. Awareness, not judgment or control, allows us to be truly human, seen as a wonderful whole.  All The World asks for is gentle awareness, an open mind, and openness to what's appearing before us.

From this position we can accomplish so much and the Six of Wands sees the harmony of our self-understanding and acceptance manifesting itself in our actions. This week is an incredible time to reveal what we've been working on and to allow what's been inspiring us to have its time in the sun. Because we're clear on who we are, allowing our self to be seen is no longer quite as scary. We may find ourself possessing a level of confidence beyond what we imagined was possible. 

The Six of Wands carries with it all the energy, excitement, and intensity of being in the spotlight. Sometimes this experience can be overwhelming. We'd rather retreat into our safety zone, hold our projects and passions close, rather than deal with some of the discomfort that comes with being openly celebrated. This week, however, The World is guiding us, acting as a lesson we can return to: We belong here. The ease we're experiencing this week, including the praise and attention, is a natural part of our unfettered self-expression. We're coming from a beautiful place. It makes sense that others can see this beauty, too.

Plus, it would be a shame not to follow this happily illuminated path. The Ace of Wands concludes our reading for the week, holding a promise of further growth and good fortune. I like to see this as a hand reaching out to us, bearing the gift of inspiration and motivation. We're uniquely able to inhabit our full potential right now, and doing so is allowing our hard work to continue with ease and success. We get to arrive in every situation with just ourselves and this week we're diving into the core of who we are, allowing this self to guide our actions. With The World in our corner, we can sashay up to any situation, fully in the moment and ready to engage as the beautiful, specific beings we are. 


Feeling Tender around Spiritual Topics


Tarot Tip: Making a Sentence with Your Cards