Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Connecting Tarot to Everyday Life

I like to tell people that even when you’re not reading tarot, you’re doing tarot.

We’re talking about a system that’s meant to reflect the human experience, aren’t we? Tarot, as it turns out, is all around us, from the biggest struggles and themes to the most quotidian routines.

Still life of table with plant

I like to tell people that even when you’re not reading tarot, you’re doing tarot.

We’re talking about a system that’s meant to reflect the human experience, aren’t we? Tarot, as it turns out, is all around us, from the biggest struggles and themes to the most quotidian routines.

Grappling with the challenges of monogamy? You can find that reflected in tarot. Choosing between two dishwashers? That’s in tarot, too.

I’ve written a lot about connecting tarot to the everyday (see: Tarot and People Watching) because I’ve found it to be one of the quickest and most transformative ways to deepen my practice. Not only is it fun, it’s also a helpful way to cement our relationships to the cards.

So how to do this?

It’s incredibly simple: practice connecting experiences to tarot cards. Start small with just one card, though as you gain confidence and fluency, add more to describe more complicated scenarios.

There’s absolutely no right or wrong in this exercise - let yourself relax and have fun making connections.

A pleasant side-effect of this practice? It makes even the most mundane tasks feel magical.

If you’re interested in my personal experiences and associations with cards and daily life, hop over to the Incandescent Tarot Mighty Network where I share these moments and more. And, of course, share your thoughts in the comments below.

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