Weekly Forecast: September 26 - October 2

Okay, friends. We have an unusually straightforward reading this week: Embracing our ability to make choices around our resources is leading to growth and action. Not so hard, huh? Reading done? Not quite yet…

Before we get into the details, I’d like to say that, reading beyond the cards, this is a time to enjoy how the power of natural focus frees up space in other areas of our life. We’re touching on themes of pentacles - daily life, material possessions, the physical and tangible - and doing so is bringing us immense clarity. That also means that we can take the pressure off of other aspects that may have been clamoring for our attention in the past, trusting that they’ll work themselves out as time goes by.

Our relationships, creative pursuits, intellectual lives… all of these can get some breathing room; better yet, we can go to them when we need pure enjoyment. Take this moment to gift yourself a clean slate, wipe away any stale thoughts or worries, and reassert your presence at the center of your life.

Speaking of assertiveness, we have the most convivially assertive cards in the deck leading our reading for the week. The King of Pentacles is the kind of character who charms their guests with ribald jokes, plies them with delicious food and good company, to the point that, when they leave, most are unaware of the plots and plans they’ve agreed to. Power by seduction? In a sense; but this week it’s not manipulative or canny. We’re able to touch on our abundance and share it with others in a way that invites them along the journey with us.

Accept your natural charms and generosity this week, reach out to others, and don’t be afraid of forge new alliances and hatch new plans via mutual celebration. This is truly a card of abundance, and it’s interesting that it’s coming after the Autumnal Equinox for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Many things are coming into fruition, many fruits are ready to harvest. What has been ripening in your life that you can now pluck and taste?

It’s important to note that much of this success, while it seems effortless and exciting, is the result of our hard work and stamina. The King of Pentacles finds success in making things appear frictionless, but let’s step behind the curtain and give ourselves some praise and respect for the diligence and follow-through we’ve mustered - the process from planning the crop, to planting it, tending it through the growing season, and now harvesting it. We did it all, working with the environments around us, of course, and it would be a shame to deny ourselves the affirmation of recognition.

And I just have to note that this a week when, if things have been feeling challenging and out of sorts, the varying puzzle pieces that have been confounding us come together. With some help and luck, yes, but also because the time is just right. (Come to think of it, The Seven of Pentacles does channel that moment when, after staring at the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you suddenly find that one missing corner piece you swore you’d lost.)

Revisit any ideas or plans that have stymied you recently, perhaps even ones you abandoned years ago. You may be surprised to find an easy solution in this present moment. Or that you can suddenly see what you were unable to before. The King of Pentacles is instructing us to accept our accomplishments, integrate them with our understanding of ourselves, and use that confidence boost to address a pivotal change in the Seven of Pentacles.

What’s the deal with this tunic-clad person leaning nonchalantly on their hoe? Are they lazy? Bored? Simply taking a break? Or, perhaps, do they just need to gaze lovingly and longingly at their garden?

Take time this week to daydream and get lost in reverie. It’s actually an essential part of our work process. If something feels like it’s missing, give it time to emerge. As you’ve likely guessed, The Eight of Wands shows us that breakthrough is imminent, and that when it comes, things start to move quickly. Take temporary lulls in action as an opportunity to gather your wits, take a breath, and get a good look at what you’ve built for yourself - the next steps are coming quickly.

Get a carful of seasonal gourds and the largest pumpkins you can hoist; throw a party with your closest friends; host a meetup for your area of expertise; orchestrate a grand gesture of generosity. All the ways you can embody the King of Pentacles are setting up the breakthrough of the Eight of Wands. They’re also giving us both an outlet for our joy and a chance to recuperate before things start moving once again.

This week, embrace:

  • Generosity

  • Community uplifts and events

  • Leading with “soft power”

  • Self-appreciation

  • Taking a step back to gaze lovingly at your squash garden/recent accomplishments

  • Diving into action when the path finally feels clear

This week, avoid:

  • False modesty

  • Distraction from the task at hand

  • Stinginess

  • Rushing into the final phase without rest and/or a quick moment of deliberation

  • Trying to turn back after something’s launched

Get Creative:

  • King of Pentacles: Let yourself really feel this card. While Kings tend to be an outward-facing bunch, there’s something to be said about how we have to know our own power in order to wield it. So, this week, do something to recognize and embody the power you’ve been building to shape your material world for the better. Plan a kingly celebration just for yourself (why am I picturing a medieval banquet/me eating a whole rotisserie chicken with my hands? … this may be my King of Pentacles moment ;), wear some finery for the day and feel resplendent, or hold court with the people who can share their perceptions of your recent accomplishments with love and goodwill.

  • Seven of Pentacles: This card has the most magic in it for us this week. It’s mysterious, vague, and just the type of tarot invitation for further exploration I love. Do some open-hearted meditation on the image in this card, specifically the boisterously abundant vine the main character is beholding. Close your eyes, settle into yourself, and see how your imagination/intuition/higher-self/subconscious images the recent bounty that’s come into your life. Pay special attention to things that are surprising and not at all what you thought you’d planted when you started this garden.

  • Eight of Wands: While this card is delightful - think the exhilarating rush of a carnival ride - it can also be overwhelming, especially after all the earthy, feet-on-the-ground energy of these pentacles. Simply build in some room in your expectations of the week for change, new energy (people, tasks, projects), and movement, knowing that it’s just the type of shake-up you need to move to the next phase of this chapter.


Weekly Forecast: October 3-9


Weekly Forecast: September 19-25