Weekly Forecast: May 8-15

I have a brief forecast for you all this week since our family has been under the weather this week. But! I figured it would be a fun opportunity to experiment with a short-form weekly forecast. 

I’ve drawn just one card with “What is our area of focus this week?” as a guiding question. To mix thing up, I’ve switched to one of my favorite decks - The Kitty Kahane Tarot. 

Our card? The Lovers.

What’s coming through

Despite it’s saucy title, The Lovers is a card about choice. In the Renaissance context from which tarot sprung, this meant between alluring vice and righteous virtue. I think you can guess which was deemed the “correct” answer. This week, however, I’m feeling drawn to the tender moment between the woman and the snake shown in Kitty Kahane’s illustration. What happens when we choose knowledge rooted in love, even if that means shaking up our worlds? In other words, are there some gardens that we’re meant to be cast out of?

Regardless of whether you hew to my slightly radical take on the Garden of Eden or more traditional interpretations, the moment Eve tastes the fruit is the catalyst for a huge story. This week we’re presented with a world-enlarging choice. It may come through in subtle ways - simply choosing to frame things from a gentle, new perspective - or as a decisive action. What is your story? In many ways we’re choosing a new moment in every moment, with every breath. The Lovers card reminds us of the incredible wonder, power, and responsibility of this. 

What to do

A huge part of The Lovers is the electrifying feeling it brings to everyday life. Think the glow of excitement and anticipation that comes with falling in love, now transpose that onto the world around you. Look for the miraculous in the everyday, practice seeing people as if they’re new and fascinating, a whole world to be discovered. And, since this is a Major Arcana card we’re talking about, see how you can view yourself in grander terms. This is your time, this is your life - how does this viewpoint change the choices you make?

Shadow sides

Like being cast from the Garden of Eden, all choices involve leaving something behind. In the case of The Lovers, however, this choice is in honor of our personal growth. See if you can pay respect to the natural grief of losing or leaving something (a cherished illusion, naive and comforting fantasies, situations or people that don’t support your growth and expansion) while celebrating the strength and vigor it takes to invest in your self-actualization. It’s hard because it has to be. Not shrinking from this also makes the blues brighter, the world pop with the power of awareness. 

Getting playful

If this energy is coming through on a less intense level (and even/especially if it’s underlined and highlighted with the brightest yellow imaginable) there are plenty of ways to engage with it playfully: get ready for the day as if you’re going on an exciting date, schedule an actual exciting date, write down the important truths that push you towards meaningful change, imagine yourself as the hero of a lush and edgy fairytale. 

Thank you all for joining me in this little experiment. Full-on tarot readings will be back next week. And do let me know what you think (or if there’s any other content you’d like to see in future forecasts) in the comments below. 


Weekly Forecast: May 16-22


Weekly Forecast: May 2-8