Weekly Tarot Forecast: April 18-24

If things feel slow, why not play?

This week we’re visited by two of the youths in tarot, the page cards. These characters capture the coltish charm of new infatuation. Whether we’re starting something new, trying our hand at a task we’re far from adept at, or simply finding ourselves drawn to something novel, these cards show us that embracing our awkwardness and passion is deeply important.

Spring is in full bloom here in Durham with buds having turned into tender, soft leaves. While the frost date has passed, there’s always the potential for a sudden freeze. All this growth could get frost-bitten, and no matter what happens, that pale pale green of new growth only lasts a handful of days before it transforms into the rich viridian of full summer. Similarly, this reading urges us to savor the temporary nature of all new things. Pages are uniquely present cards, and this is a time to stretch into each moment, gently pushing aside any desires for perfection, painlessness, or a fully formed story. It’s not here yet, why force it?

There is a subtle transition at work this week; we’re leaving the analytical orientation of the Page of Swords and moving into a period of wands-directed action. I can’t help but tie this into another sword-toting card, last week’s Justice, which served as the main point of focus. Is there a justice-oriented idea that burst forth last week, one that we’re figuring out how to implement in our lives? Uncertainty and indecision will be short-lived as we vault into the Page of Wands mid-week, but be aware that the swords pull of over-planning and analysis paralysis will be present in our mental weather systems. Identify that paths not to take by their past presence in your life: If you’ve seen them before, it may be time to switch to new tactics.

Enter: The Page of Wands. It’s time to do things differently and step outside of our comfort zone. I’m not talking radical change, however. More of a slow-burning curiosity that’s grown to the point where you’re ready to take the first step. Speaking of which, first steps are all that these pages require. We don’t need to know the full outcome, have each patch of our trail mapped out. A playful mindset, attention to the present moment, and sense of humor are all that we require for the moment.

The overall energy here is prime for creative pursuits of any kind, reinvention, and exploration. If these feel remote in the current landscape of your life, take care to make space for freeing activities, no matter how small or short-lived. Pages have an instinct for growth and you might be surprised how the smallest things rapidly blossom into something impressive, compelling, or deeply healing.

While we’re busy feeling innovative and brave in the fast-moving elements of our lives (swords calling on our thinking, wands our action and creativity), our emotional selves are still undergoing a deep and slow process of healing. The Four of Cups returns once again, reminding us that stillness and silence are essential to our spiritual and emotional well-being. This card is also giving us the important reminder to tend to our tender core while taking risks in the outer world. Be sure to check in with yourself, ideally before things start to move fast.

I’m also feeling a thread of ambition or restlessness undergirding this card. We may have to leave extra room for a complex (or simply surprising) inner truth to emerge, perhaps around what we desire outside of easily measurable metrics of success. Feeling uncomfortable or like something is missing isn’t a sign of weakness; we may simply need to remain alert and welcoming to any new information, most likely coming in the poetic, mysterious language of cups. Wait for the feeling to arrive while enjoying the playful side of life.

This week, embrace:

  • New ventures

  • Playing with words, creativity, self-expression

  • Space for solitude

  • Emotional restlessness without judgment

This week, avoid:

  • Heavy expectations

  • Inflexibility

  • Treating failures, difficulties, or dissatisfaction as a sign you have to change something now

  • Hyperactivity

Get creative:

  • Page of Swords: Write out all the ideas you’ve been toying around with in the past week or so. Do a good old fashioned brain dump, then pick one that you want to do something about. Identify the first step - what could translate this idea into reality? - and… big surprise here… do it, moving yourself from the realm of the Page of Swords to the Page of Wands.

  • Page of Wands: Find a creative talisman. Give yourself a nice bit of time to browse around looking for a work of art or accomplishment that resonates with you. You may even be drawn to the creator themselves (Pages love an inspirational role model). Go with your instincts and don’t overthink it. Use this work or person to inject a spark of inspiration and motivation when you need it.

  • Four of Cups: Spend some time contemplating the best possible scenario to a situation you’re facing at the moment. Sit with any feelings of discomfort, nervousness, or awkwardness as you really flesh out what would be an outlandishly positive outcome. Now… just sit on it. Have this image at the ready, turn it around in your mind from time to time, and wait. This isn’t a week to do anything just yet, but see how it feels to hold something wholesome, good, and abundant in your heart and mind instead of just something practical or pessimistic.


Weekly Tarot Forecast: April 25-May 1


Weekly Forecast: April 11-17