A Tarot Spread for Examining Change and Shedding old Habits

A tarot spread to connect with your ancestors

Use this spread to reach out to the helpful ancestors in your life. Take time to set the stage, gifting yourself a quiet and inspiring reading environment and meditating briefly as you intentionally invite any ancestors who have your best interests in mind. If you’d like, you can focus on a specific question you’d like advice on; however, I recommend leaving the reading open-ended so whatever is most important can come through.

Then, lay out all four cards face down. Take a moment to focus your energy and then flip over the first card.


Card 1 

This card represents the core message your ancestors would like you to hear.

Card 2 

This card directs you to a past experience, memory, or (if important) the specific ancestor who has the most guidance for this moment.

Card 3

How can you foster a healthy relationship with your ancestors? This card illuminates a way to give back and show gratitude.

Card 4

Here’s where the action and advice comes in. Card 5 shows the next steps you can take to move forward.