Tarot Spreads, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky Tarot Spreads, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky

A Tarot Spread for Cheering Yourself Up


Just added to the tarot spread collection!

I've been having so much fun making these spreads for you all. This one comes from a stretch of time when I've needed a little extra tenderness from myself. It's easy to get lost in self-criticism and prickly feelings. Luckily, tarot doesn't just have to be about the future or even concrete action. It's a lovely tool for self-love, connection, and calming.

I hope you enjoy this spread when things get a little tough and find that it directs you back to all the wonderful things about yourself. Click on the photo above for the full rundown.

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Tarot Spreads, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky Tarot Spreads, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky

Introducing: Tarot Spreads

I like to be footloose and fancy-free with my tarot readings, but sometimes a custom-made spread is just what I need to really hone in on a question. 

Sure, old faithfuls like a 3 card past-present-future spread or a more comprehensive celtic cross reveal plenty of information, but nothing beats a more specific-spread to cover all the issues on my mind. 

What better way than to devise a layout of cards that directly refer to what you want to learn?

Concocting these is especially satisfying, and I like to test them out, tweaking a position here and there until they're just right. 

Well, now I'll be sharing my favorite, time-tested spreads on my website in the creatively named "Tarot Spreads" section under my collection of free resources.

Jump on over to see the first in the series, my trusty Two Options tarot spread. I like to use this one when I'm faced with a choice between two equally alluring possibilities. In this spread you'll find cards to help ground your choice - what you're really looking for when you make your decision - as well as information and outcome cards for each option. 

And of course stay tuned for more spreads in the days to come!

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Weekly Forecast, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast, Tarot Readings Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: April 10-16

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Reading

We enter this week full of practical ideas. It’s the very beginning of something new. An idea is hatching and we haven’t hammered out the details or narrowed down the scope. Far from it, in fact. The coming days are all about exploring potential before committing to action.

Our plans right now are new, flexible, and exciting. Maybe they seem more like a feeling than something concrete. This is a good thing! We want to harness the budding tenderness of our ideas right now and see where they can take us. It’s not a time to limit ourselves with practicalities and doubts. What’s the risk when it’s still all dreams and plans?

The Two of Wands shows us perking up and feeling motivated. Maybe we’re even feeling the itch of wanting to make things happen now. Pair this feeling with an unformed idea and you get some tension. We want to get started but we’re not quite sure what we want to do or how to do it. We think we need action, but we really need rest, time, and some creative introspection.

Again, the cards tell us this is natural. Instead of running away from our indecisiveness and uncertainty we should embrace it.

Well, where to then? The Seven of Cups points us squarely towards our imaginations. Beyond practical brainstorming, now is the prime time to get visionary about the future. In terms of thinking, we can go wild. Dream away, go to outlandish places. What’s the wildest, most extravagant outcome that our plan could result in. What do we want so much that we feel nervous even naming it?

This card instructs us to tap into our freewheeling, creative sides. If it’s natural to be indecisive now, we can truly explore all our options. We can do this visually, too. Art, self-expression, and playfulness will do wonders in giving us clarity as we solidify our plans. This can seem counterintuitive, especially given the logic-centric culture we live in. You mean we can abandon logistics and potential hazards, going straight to dreams, adventures, and fun?

In this case, yes. We don’t want to strangle the tender budding ideas just poking their heads above the ground right now. We’ll have plenty of time to think it all through later. In fact, the Four of Swords tells us that we’ll be entering a more logically introspective time after we let ourselves play in a realm of potential. We can trust ourselves here. Giving ourselves time to brainstorm, get creative, and then deal with practicalities will lead to something both doable and exciting.

This is our exercise for the week:

What are your wildest dreams? Put aside all your doubts, judgement, and fears. (Do this lovingly. They have things to tell you, too, though they can definitely be pesky. You’ll address them later.) Explore all sorts of options and then see what links back to the little idea you’re growing. How can they work with each other? Pay the attention to the way you feel when you don’t give yourself any limitations. Remember this feeling and do all you can to protect it when you decide to put your plans into action.

And once you’ve done all that?

Rest. Let all your ideas percolate, giving them plenty of time and space to settle. There’s a lot going on under the surface, and given a nice spell of nurturing and exploration it will soon be ready to burst out into action.

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Tarot Readings, Getting a Reading Gina Wisotzky Tarot Readings, Getting a Reading Gina Wisotzky

What to Expect from an Email Reading

Cards from the Tarocchi di Donne Tarot

Cards from the Tarocchi di Donne Tarot


I get a lot of surprised faces when I tell people I offer tarot readings by email.

Maybe it’s because the word “email” isn't so evocative. And maybe it's because many people don't realize that a helpful tarot reading is so easily accessible.

Of course, I Iove imagining people picturing me crouched over a crystal ball wearing hoop earrings. But that's hardly the only way to experience tarot. (Though don't get me wrong - I love a good pair of hoops.)Email readings are just as intimate, effective, and insightful as tarot face-to-face. 

In fact, they’re one of my favorite ways to read tarot for other people. Here's why:

1. Connection

You don’t need to be sitting across the table from a reader to have your cards read. And you’d be surprised at how strong the connection between reader and seeker can be via email. Writing allows me to easily shed assumptions and distractions to focus on the heart of your question. I get to connect with the intention and meaning behind your phrasing in a way that feels just as powerful as a face-to-face reading. 

2. Clarity

You don't have to worry about digesting and keeping up with everything I'm saying. All the ins and outs of the cards are laid out on the page so you can read and revisit them later. 

3. Focus

 Email readings allow me to connect directly with your question or topic. After meditating on your question and shuffling the cards, I am free to let my intuition do the work and create your reading. To learn more about my behind the scenes process click here

4. Presentation

Have you ever taken thorough notes only to look back at them and have no clue what you've written down? In an email reading, I do all the recording and organizing for you. Your reading will come in a beautiful pdf (if I do say so myself) that's easy to follow.

5. Resource

You now have a lovely pdf of your reading to refer to. Go back and look at the card to help guide you forward, check back on the areas that spoke to you, and keep track of your progress.

6. Flexibility

Struggling to find the time to schedule a face to face reading? Looking for quick insight? You can order an email reading at any time without the hassle of making an appointment. Simply send off your question and get a reading within days.

7. Options

Email readings can be quick bursts of inspiration or in-depth explorations. You get to decide just how much tarot you need. Since I like to use tarot for the big and little things in life, I offer readings that range from quick 1 card takes (Sneak Peek) to deluxe 10 page readings (Heart of the Matter.) 

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