Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 10-16

What do we really want?

Sometimes this answer to this question can seem mysterious and elusive. Life gets busy and convention and responsibility take over. It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over.

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

What do we really want?

Sometimes this answer to this question can seem mysterious and elusive. Life gets busy and convention and responsibility take over. It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over. We can't feel secure until we know the contours of our lives, yet we also crave the promise of the unknown and need creative license to reshape our lives when we hear a new future calling.

This week's reading shows us at the beginning of a new cycle of exploration. It's no surprise after weeks of heady and inspiring readings. Something's building to a crescendo and now we're here with The World leading the way.

Already we can see that a central theme of our new desire for change is about expansion and ease. If we're been carrying around baggage about scarcity, stifling duty, or the toxic romance of unnecessary or perpetual struggle, now is the time to shake it free vigorously.

When The World shows up it's a sign that there's big and beautiful work to do. And that it's the kind of work that flows with the ease of authenticity and brave desire. It is, in other words, time to get to doing what we'd really love to be doing. To go after what we truly want.

Sometimes a huge obstacle to this next step is the false idea that we have to choose one or the other: freedom or stability, creativity or safety, passion or tradition, acceptance or individuality.

I could go on and on.

But we don't have to cosmic and personal cards like The World and The Lovers here for no reason. Together, these cards almost slap us in the face with a much-needed wakeup call: Choosing our biggest, most beautiful future opens us up to the world itself.

The only "having it all" is being all of our true selves. Doing that lifts up our relationships, communities, and work. It's not irresponsible to prioritize our spiritual and creative growth and wellbeing. It only amplifies and feeds our energy and reach.

So, if we're feeling a bit shy about what we want, maybe making excuses - not allowing ourselves to even think about it - or have gotten so far that we've rationalized away our internal messaging, now is the time to stop all that.

It can be so simple, which is why the Ace of Wands is our final card. Both the beginning of a new cycle and the spark of limitless potential, the Ace of Wands shows us that the next step forward is doing what feels good. In our case, what feels good in a cosmic, toe-curling, personal level.

It can start small, taking the next steps, starting the new thing, or simply getting back in touch with our sense of what's right for us. Our task right now is to stoke and feed the fire, building small actions on top of each other until we have a raging and impressive bonfire of wands.

This is a time of few wrong choices if we can make them in service of our wild, lush, and unique growth. Don't be surprised if it reflects back on itself, building warmth quicker than we can even imagine.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 6-12

Well, my friends, it looks like this reading is quite gory, visually speaking! 

Artist Ricardo Cavolo's illustration of the Nine of Pentacles is, to be frank, pretty gross. Why choose an open wound to illustrate a card traditionally associated with abundance and plenty? 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

Well, my friends, it looks like this reading is quite gory, visually speaking! 

Artist Ricardo Cavolo's illustration of the Nine of Pentacles is, to be frank, pretty gross. Why choose an open wound to illustrate a card traditionally associated with abundance and plenty? 

It's a lot to meditate on, particularly when the grisly theme continues with a blindfolded King of Swords committing seppuku. You know, just some light Monday messages to contemplate...

Yet this reading, despite its visceral nature, came across loud and clear: While oftentimes our old wounds are the wellspring of our unique gifts, there's a huge difference between honoring this connection and obsessing over it to the point of self-limitation and injury.

This is a time to let the reality of our lives ground us and lead us forward and to put aside the destructive urges of our minds. We've been hurt in the past, yes, but our future is unfolding now and not all of our actions spring from the hardship we've endured.

The King of Swords, the utmost monarch of the suit, is adept at using thought to create clarity. But sometimes we can only get so much clarity out of life. If we stay in the realm of the swords too long, we prioritize analytic remove over actual day-to-day involvement. What comes of this? Isolation, stagnation, and self-doubt. 

Over thinking distances us from the movement and rhythm of life, a dance that leads us towards the answers we're seeking. It's not a view we can achieve from the top-down, safe in the hypothetical or the tempting certainty of the past. We have to get our hands dirty and accept that seeking fulfillment leaves no room for invulnerability. We're all living and breathing creatures and we can't go through life completely unscathed. 

In this sense, this nasty Nine of Pentacles in reassuring. If we're feeling tender and bruised, it's not because we're failing. Rather, we're showing up and seeing ourselves - all the contours of our experience, even the painful ones. And that is a high achievement, indeed.

What to do from here? The Star tells us we have to love ourselves even more, and make room for a life of plenty that also feels exposed, tenuous, or too much at times. Nothing needs to change for us to be here with ourselves.

The King of Swords represents our urge to over-analyze ourselves at any moment of conflict, struggle, or indecision. Instead of seeing these times as a natural facet of life, the King reacts to them as threats to stability. Thus, the wide-open plenty of the Nine of Pentacles becomes an invitation to turn our swords on ourselves. 

Are we feeling raw, excited, eager, a bit nervous about what we're moving towards? The King of Swords wants the answers now, and to him this is a scary threat to stability. Cue the self-doubt and criticism. Instead of accepting tenderness, this King is using it as an opening to harm the self: If we can't do it perfectly and with perfect knowledge, we shouldn't even try at all.

The Star is here to tell us that this is completely unnecessary and over the top and this reading gives us a wonderful alternate course. It's not a time to take our thoughts of worry and doubt with absolute seriousness. What if we could tell ourselves that we're doing our best and it's working out well?

Having a lot of feelings means that we're opening up to feeling life itself. We're already doing a wonderful job and now is a time to stay grounded in the beauty of our everyday lives, letting its rhythms and routines move us forward, instead of abandoning our path because it's not what we envisioned. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: October 29 - November 4

Why is it that success and growth brings up feelings of inadequacy, self-sabotage, and disbelief? It's easier to hide behind conflict and trouble. Struggle gives us an easy sense of meaning. It's there, it's obvious, and it's not threatening to others. 

This week, The Devil is popping up just as we turn an unexpected corner. Rather than bemoan his presence, however, we can see it as a positive sign that we're onto something good.

Tarot del Fuego Tarot Reading with Three Cards

Why is it that success and growth brings up feelings of inadequacy, self-sabotage, and disbelief? It's easier to hide behind conflict and trouble. Struggle gives us an easy sense of meaning. It's there, it's obvious, and it's not threatening to others. 

This week, The Devil is popping up just as we turn an unexpected corner. Rather than bemoan his presence, however, we can see it as a positive sign that we're onto something good.

"Now how does that work, Gina?" you might be wondering with a very healthy dose of skepticism. Ignoring The Devil can be tricky at best and inadvisable at worst. Yet here I am confidently telling you that this card, rather than being a sign on bad habits and troubles, is something to embrace, say hello to on your way forward, and then leave by the wayside to go about his Devil-y life.

The Devil thrives in darkness and confusion. And this week we're bringing the illumination of the Eight of Cups and the ambition of the Three of Wands into his cave. Suddenly the power and mystery of the shadows have become banished by our own light and vitality. It's just not so scary when we face it head on. And The Devil we're dealing with may be quite small in comparison to our new, formidable self. 

The Eight of Cups and the Three of Wands are telling us that we're making huge strides and doing some very brave editing in our lives. I love how artist Ricardo Cavolo depicts the Eight of Cups as vines tearing down a pillar to reveal a single flame. Though we may not have always understood our actions leading up to this moment, our search for something more has torn down some huge obstacles. This process is intuitive and instinctual. The Eight of Cups represents the priceless kind of hard-won clarity that comes from trusting ourselves even when we don't understand the path our growth is taking.

A deep and emotional pull has brought us into the fiery realm of wands. We've made some space for ourselves and have discovered a new and budding sense of direction. This might feel a bit like going back to the drawing board or taking a bold risk in changing our focus, but our fears aren't springing from a lack of energy. In fact, what we're onto is doing quite well. The Three of Wand shows us at a pivotal moment where the path ahead isn't at all what we thought it would be. In fact, it's much better, and that's where the siren-song of The Devil comes in.

Our task this week is to hold the torch of our passion high and to avoid the temptation to become small again. As we can see in the Eight of Cups, we've long overgrown our containers. In fact, returning to that formative experience of trusting our emotions (and remembering how ready we were for something more) will help us embrace the new path we're facing and embrace all the signs that it's one worth taking.

Doubting the affirmation and opportunities that spring up right now serves to keep us in a limited place we've long outgrown. Just because it doesn't look like what we imagined doesn't mean it's false or dangerous. Going back to the limitations we've worked so hard to overcome is no longer an option and grappling with those small spaces has made us strong and innovative. Now's the time to embrace the adventuresome spirit of the Three of Wands and see where allowing ourselves to be big and seeking can take us. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 3-9

This is a week full of opportunity for us if we choose to reach out and take what's being offered to us. Of course, starting with the Ace of Pentacles is a welcome beacon of potential and promise. Look at this singular, shining coin! And yet taking gifts when they're offered isn't as easy as it may seem. Many of us struggle with accepting good things. Sometimes we're afraid of the spotlight - that we look greedy or boastful - and sometimes we're afraid of growing into something bigger.

Tarot del Fuego Weekly Forecast Reading

This is a week full of opportunity for us if we choose to reach out and take what's being offered to us. Of course, starting with the Ace of Pentacles is a welcome beacon of potential and promise. Look at this singular, shining coin! And yet taking gifts when they're offered isn't as easy as it may seem. Many of us struggle with accepting good things. Sometimes we're afraid of the spotlight - that we look greedy or boastful - and sometimes we're afraid of growing into something bigger.

We'll be experiencing some of these tensions this week, though not in a paralyzing sense. Rather, we're in a position where we can no longer ignore the magic happening around us. We can work on editing some of these stale and limiting stories because the rewards and support in our lives are too big to ignore.

This ace is appearing to let us know that our actions to date have been accumulating a lot of goodwill and recognition, even if we've been unaware of it, lost in doubts or simply the focus of continuing along a path, one foot ahead of the other.

This is a time to examine our reflexive responses to gifts and kindness. Are we comfortable receiving attention, support, and goodwill? How adept are we at navigating the spotlight? Whether we're feeling ready for it or not, this is a moment where we can launch ourselves into a radically new phase. It's time to get going, abandon any limitations we tend to put in front of us, and let ourselves walk into ease and expansion.

Because we have two Major Arcana cards springing from the Ace of Pentacles. Both point towards expression, growth, and support. Taking a gift, gesture of support, or windfall and running with it is leading us to bigger places. 

The Hierophant lets us know that we have incredible resources to draw on. This card speaks to mentoring figures in our lives. Who in our circles or their peripheries inspires us? Who can guide us on our path and offer us sage advice as we stretch our wings? We're onto something here and reaching out to those who've been down similar roads will both add to our knowledge and help galvanize us. This week is a time to reach out and connect with the people who inspire us. 

Bringing our dreams to others is a magical way to stay accountable and dedicated to their realization. Left alone we can abandon the path and nobody would be the wiser.

And that would be a shame since The Sun, our final card, shows us walking towards a beautiful burst of self-expression. The Sun shines so brightly that we often take it for granted. It's difficult to squint into its light and see how much energy and work goes into its output. Being a beacon, living our truth, and sharing that truth with the world is a true labor of love. It's a wonderful thing to behold, but it also requires being active, present, and, in a sense, vulnerable.

We may be feeling some anxiety this week about being seen fully, our ambitions and dreams visible to all around us. Wanting things and then pursuing them means that we're putting ourselves out there. Make room for that naked feeling while focusing on the freedom that comes with it. So what if we have big dreams and are working to make them real? When we become our own suns we don't need to worry about the opinions of others or even the bumps along the road. 

Our vision for change and connection to ourselves will always be shining above any clouds. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 16-22

This week is giving us an opportunity to feel refreshed, motivated, and driven. Once we've had our first cup(s) of coffee we're ready to charge ahead and get a lot done. We have focus, we have a strong sense of self, and we have an exciting vision to back all of our actions.

But that's not all.

Weekly Forecast with the Victorian Romantic Tarot

This week is giving us an opportunity to feel refreshed, motivated, and driven. Once we've had our first cup(s) of coffee we're ready to charge ahead and get a lot done. We have focus, we have a strong sense of self, and we have an exciting vision to back all of our actions.

But that's not all.

It seems like we have some tricky energy at play within us this week. It's that voice that whispers to us, just as we're getting into our first task of the day, " why don't you pick up your phone and see how many people have liked your Instagram post!" or "I wonder what your ex-boyfriend from six years ago is up to? Let's find out NOW!"

Though we have The Devil on the right, this isn't the intense, derail-your-life iteration of the card. Rather, it's the lazy self-sabotaging side. Think "little devil perched on your shoulder," not "looming force of evil." In excess, these traits might lead to disaster, but for this week the challenge is to make sure we don't fall into our usual small patterns of sloth and distraction. 

The cards are presenting us with a clear-cut choice. Do we harness the diligent energy of the Eight of Pentacles to further our ambitions and goals a la The Chariot, or do we backslide into the slacker comforts of The Devil?

The Eight of Pentacles is a fascinating card because it shows us how bringing mindfulness to our work gives us clarity and satisfaction. When we're engaged in the practice of doing - not thinking to the future, past, or imagined "something better" - we unlock huge stores of potential. We're in a state of flow, checking things off our to-do lists with ease, galvanized by the delightful feeling of making progress.

So how do we tap into this energy when we have a pesky Devil at play? Oddly enough, the answer is to make room for him. The Chariot, though at first glance it might seem like a card that's all about victory, is also a master of reigning in opposites. How on earth could you get a tiger and a fox to pull you towards your goals? This week it's our task to reign in our Devils and use them to work for us, not against us.

Again, The Chariot has some helpful tips. If we're going to move forward we have to have vision, confidence, and a solid knowledge of who we are. That includes our decadent, distracted Devil-self, too. Getting to know the ways we avoid success and are drawn to mind-numbing pleasures is the first step towards working with them. 

Let's put ourselves in the charioteer's shoes. Say the tiger on the right has a huge fondness for facebook. Every time the charioteer signals it's time to get going, the tiger is busy getting outraged by his distant relative's toxic political views. Being a savvy leader, the charioteer pulls the reigns in, getting an app to block facebook for the duration of the workday. Now the tiger is free to walk forward with purpose (and lower blood pressure). After work, they can all go out and spend some face-to-face time with real friends.

Though this example may seem silly, it's important to realize that we can treat unruly parts of ourselves with compassion and understanding. There's a lot more to our actions then meets the eyes. Disavowing them and trying to cut out behaviors only makes our Devil-sides stronger. Because let's be honest, what feels better than doing something you really shouldn't be doing?

Working directly with our bad habits and channeling them towards healthy expression (i.e. interacting in real life vs. facebook in the example above) satisfies our true desires while taking the naughty allure out of the distracting behavior. 

So in a way, these cards still show us moving forward this week, regardless of how much we struggle with The Devil card. If we keep coming back to the work of the Eight of Pentacles we'll find ourselves again and again. And The Chariot is showing us that we're more than up to the task of achievement. All we need to do is get the rest of us on the same page. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 11-17

This week is brimming with hearty, enthusiastic energy, my peaches. We have the direct spelndor of The Sun, followed by the rich satisfaction and tenderness of the Queen of Wands. Things are unfolding beautifully and, in addition to being able to run forward with mindful enthusiasm, we're also being wise enough to take quieter moments to tend to ourselves and the ones we love. Take a moment right now to congratulate yourself. It's easy to overlook this step when things are going well; let's not miss this opportunity today.

Ricardo Cavolo Tarot del Fuego Queen of Cups The Sun Ten of Wands

This week is brimming with hearty, enthusiastic energy, my peaches. We have the direct spelndor of The Sun, followed by the rich satisfaction and tenderness of the Queen of Wands. Things are unfolding beautifully and, in addition to being able to run forward with mindful enthusiasm, we're also being wise enough to take quieter moments to tend to ourselves and the ones we love. Take a moment right now to congratulate yourself. It's easy to overlook this step when things are going well; let's not miss this opportunity today.

I'm going to skip over these cards for a minute and focus on our final card, the Ten of Wands. It appears there's a fox in the henhouse. Indeed, Ricardo Cavolo's depiction of this card - a fox replacing the traditional image of an exhausted person pushing a bundle of wands - is very apt this week. We seem to be unwilling to slow down and appreciate the results of a final push to the end of a cycle.

Just look at the mischievous fox perched on its stack of wands. If we gaze closer we can see that the wands form a barrier between the water - the element of the Queen of Cups - and the warm rays of the sun. This temptation is arriving towards the end of the week, when we may feel pulled to gleefully bypass the success, sweetness, and happiness we've earned this week.

 In this case, we're replacing celebration with more work and responsibility. The pile of wands represents a burden of duties, the kind that can seem extra important from the outside. We're running around frenetically, looking important and getting things done! 

Sounds like fun, right? The Tens in tarot have a trickiness to them. While we often talk about them as the end of a cycle, they in fact represent an overload or excess of energy. (Just look at the epic, death metal album cover of a card, the Ten of Swords!) In other words, they're overkill, and we can look at them as the extra steps we run past the finish line, carried by our immense momentum. 

This week we're given an opprtunity to pump the brakes on the process. What if we stop and realize we've already accomplished what we needed to accomplish? And that, instead of rushing to fill the void with more busy work and stress, we can open up to joys of accomplishment?

 In this reading, that facet of our experience is clear, bright, and powerful. The Sun tells us that we've been working towards a goal that is truly aligned with our highest self. The Queen of Cups tells us that we're embodying the complex and loving responsibility that allows us to prioritize pleasure, enjoyment, and loving relationships. These are no small potatoes! It's time to relax into these wonderful realities. Reach out, share, celebrate, and push those wands to the side.

Sometimes the conclusion of a journey is realizing you've already reached its end.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: May 21-27

Oh my! We have some intense energy afoot this week. A crow-pleasing card of victory, the Six of Wands, is making way for two of the tarot cards most likely to win "Worst First Impression" - Death and the Three of Swords. I think this tells us a very interesting story, but it also is giving us some complicated experiences to work through.

Jonasa Jaus Tarot Three of Wands The Tower Six of Cups

Oh my! We have some intense energy afoot this week. A crow-pleasing card of victory, the Six of Wands, is making way for two of the tarot cards most likely to win "Worst First Impression" - Death and the Three of Swords. I think this tells us a very interesting story, but it also is giving us some complicated experiences to work through.

So what does it mean when success brings on the energies of Death and the Three of Swords? Death is a harbinger of profound transitions. It's almost comical how the gung-ho enthusiasm of the Six of Wands (you can think of this card as the go-getter of tarot, someone used to seeing results from their actions) crashes into Death. This week we're getting more than we bargained for and our inner development is coming to the forefront through seemingly innocuous actions.

In other words, we might find ourselves thinking, "Things are going so wonderfully! ... Why do I feel so bad?" 

I like to think of Death as a card representing moments where we ascend to another level. When Death arrives on the scene we're often unprepared and this is driven home by the ix of Wands. Wands are action-packed, self-motivated, and ever-moving. We think we're on a normal jaunt. It's pleasant, energizing, and going just where we want it to go. Before we know it, however, we come face-to-face with a big moment and some big feelings.

We've been changing all along and now is a time to recognize the weight and importance of that change.

Something we've been undertaking in our professional and creative lives is ushering in a new understanding of who we are. We've reached a sense of harmony and balance. There have been struggles, yes, but they've all taught us to trust our skills and abilities. We can do things! We can make things happen!

I'm feeling this energy as an unexpected and initially unwanted promotion. We know we've been doing a good job, but we weren't anticipating it to be noticed and "rewarded" with a weighty promotion. We have to step up, mid-celebration. Can't we just hang out in this period of plenty? Why do we have to move forward, adding on layers?

It's because we're ready, that's why. Death has a profound inevitability attached to it. Fighting these transitions is unwise. It'd be like trying to prevent Winter from happening or protesting the night. Most of the fear surrounding this card is a fear of the unknown. Death strips us of our usual blueprints and roles and tells us to walk forward with trust, knowing we're evolving into something different. The new blueprint is just around the corner. We need to have faith. 

Sound heavy enough for you? It doesn't have to be that way and a key part of this involves scale. Taking baby steps instead of leaping ahead (or throwing a temper tantrum and sitting on the ground) honors the magic behind Death. We can see the character of Death holding a chrysalis dangling from a twig. Like the creature trapped inside, we have to wiggle here and there, testing our new wings and slowly weakening what was once our cozy home. 

Eventually, we'll have to burst out, but not quite yet. Taking time to commemorate the big change we're finding ourselves in will help acclimate us to both our new selves and the new world we'll be finding ourselves in.

And this brings us to the Three of Swords. This process is uncomfortable and it's important to acknowledge it. The Death transition at work this week is bringing up old and painful wounds. These need to be tended and seen before we complete our transformation. Again, tenderness is key. I see this card as part of the chrysalis we need to shed. What old stories do we need to let go? What has brought us pain in the past that we can choose to remove from our lives? 

This highlights an empowering side to Death. When we embrace its changes we can embrace a more authentic, supportive, and enlightening role for ourselves. Where we once could only crawl we can now fly freely. All we need is a little time and care to free ourselves and stretch our wings.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: April 2-8

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Knight of Cups The Magician Ten of Swords

 When I turned over the three cards for this week I immediately thought of a word for each: direction, expansion, and decision.

This week has an abundance of clear and decisive energy. Whenever The Chariot appears we can be sure that we're ready for a challenge.  It's an easy card to place yourself in. The wind is at our backs and the reins are in our hands. As the heroes of our own stories, we've reached a place where we've become comfortable and confident in our skills and we're eager to go forth and test them in new situations.

I like the restless energy to this card. Imagine the anticipation at the start line before a race begins. We're flexing our muscles this week, figuring out the extent of our strength, and filled with ambition to use all the tools we've got. 

The Chariot also appears to give us a brief moment of contemplation before the race begins. What is it that's driving us? What hard-won skills and abilities are we excited to use and develop even further? Starting with this awareness gives us a better sense of why we're itching to get started. When we know what we're working with we have a better chance of directing our actions effectively and consistently. 

The Chariot, and this reading in general, deals with the mastery and integration of opposites, making it all the more wise to identify and cultivate awareness of the two ends of spectrum we're working with. In The Chariot we see how much power can be generated when we mindfully and willingly harness opposites, balancing, for example, traits like rest and action, acceptance and ambition, or complexity and certainty. Think of the reins of the charioteer. What opposites have you harnessed to drive yourself forward?

If this card seems a little intense and controlling, The World appears to show us that our very human effort to guide our opposing ideas, desires, and habits towards victory (driving a chariot with a tiger and a fox isn't easy, after all) has been worthwhile and immensely illuminating. The World is telling us that our struggles are sacred. Without them we wouldn't be able to break through to this new place of open possibility. In The World, opposites come together, melding and blending into a rich and dynamic tapestry. We can relax our grip and take in new vistas.

We can think of this card as a breakthrough where new, unforeseen, and even visionary possibilities present themselves. The World is a very complex, joyful, and nuanced card. Leaning into complexity and directing our gaze into the future will give us much more information and clarity than we had previously. 

Our goal this week is to simply take this all in. We end our reading with The Queen of Swords, a card that tells us we have a lot of sift through. Our minds are more than up to the task and these three cards paint a harmonious picture. Approaching this new information with clear eyes and a sense of flexible curiosity is giving us an opportunity to make healthy and invigorating changes. What's more, this card shows us that we're more than able to make choices that align with our desires and values. The Queen of Swords asks us to cut away all our needless doubt and confusion and let ourselves be led by our accomplishments, desires, and larger vision. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: March 5-11

Mountain Dream Tarot Weekly Forecast Tarot Reading Three of Swords Tower

The cards for this week are bursting at the seams with energy, movement, and tenderness. We're entering into a time of growth that we're directing both inwards towards our self and outwards to those around us. With this balance of seeking, accountability, and support we're able to venture towards a new project that's both exciting and a little nerve-wracking. The beautiful connections of the cups are inspiring us to take an important step forward. 

Our first card, the Eight of Cups, shows the immense power that's unleashed when we take advantage of our skills and assets. What sources of inspiration and support feed our imagination? What allows us to flourish? When considering these questions we may be surprised to find some unexpected answers. 

The watery nature of cups encompasses all sorts of emotions and relationships. It takes time to process the events of our past; once we've done so, however, we can find strength and experience in even the most difficult and painful moments. Grappling with them is a long-term and difficult process and the Eight of Cups is showing us that we've reached an important stage in that journey. 

This week we may find lightness and unexpected insight into heavier parts of our past. Like the vines growing out of the cups, we're finding nourishment in our emotional experiences, the "good" and the  "bad." Both are serving as the watery source from which we can branch out, change, adapt, and grow. 

The Eight of Cups is a perfect card for this season as the days grow longer and all the plants and creatures begin to stir. We're eager to shake our worlds up a bit, too. To clean, take inventory, plan, and disrupt, making room for our new, growing selves. This is also occurring on an emotional level, as we can see by the vines tearing down a column and revealing a bright flame. The old is giving way to the new and stodgy structure is caving way to wild and winding growth. Underneath it all is a new, undiscovered source of passion and clarity.

 It's time to make changes that clear space. We're craving change over structure and in seeking it out we're also discovering a hidden store of energy. What more is out there? How can we best create a life that nourishes our creativity? It may be helpful to engage with these questions as you do your spring cleaning, go through old clothes, or even mop the floor. Channeling feelings through actions can be energizing and immensely satisfying. 

The Six of Cups suggests that this is a larger phenomenon. Think of us all as little chicks hatching from our eggs. The process involves some squirming and struggling, as we can see in the Eight of Cups, and it calls on us to figure out our true strength. Once we emerge, however, we can see that there's a larger community of newly hatched chicks. Exploring our deeper selves and growing into a new, more free space is opening doors to many new and inspiring connections. Finding support and guidance from like-minded people is immensely gratifying. Bringing these connections close, celebrating them freely and happily, is a beautiful reward to the inner seeking of the Eight of Cups. 

With our growing community behind us with supportive words and encouragement, we're ready to venture towards something exciting. This could be a new project at work, a new direction for your business, or the start of a new creative exploration. The Page of Wands shows us venturing towards an alluring unknown. We're not experts in this area - just look at that dark eye-filled cave! - but we're armed with burning curiosity and endearing chutzpah. With a new understanding of who we are and where we've come from, plus the gratifying encouragement from our friends and supporters, we're ready to take a little risk. It's time to shake things up and see where our inspiration leads us. 

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